package tls

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val parse_version : string -> (Core.tls_version, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_any_version : string -> (Core.tls_any_version, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_record : string -> ([ `Record of (Core.tls_hdr * string) * string | `Fragment of string ], [> `Unexpected of [> `Content_type of int ] | `Protocol_version of [> `Unknown_record of int * int ] | `Record_overflow of int ]) result
val parse_handshake_frame : string -> string option * string
val parse_handshake : string -> (Core.tls_handshake, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_alert : string -> (Core.tls_alert, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_change_cipher_spec : string -> (unit, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_certificate_request : string -> (Packet.client_certificate_type list * string list, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_certificate_request_1_2 : string -> (Packet.client_certificate_type list * Core.signature_algorithm list * string list, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_certificate_request_1_3 : string -> (string option * Core.certificate_request_extension list, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_certificates : string -> (string list, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_certificates_1_3 : string -> (string * (string * 'a list) list, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_client_dh_key_exchange : string -> (string, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_client_ec_key_exchange : string -> (string, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_dh_parameters : string -> (Core.dh_parameters * string * string, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_ec_parameters : string -> ([ `X25519 | `P256 | `P384 | `P521 ] * string * string * string, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_digitally_signed : string -> (string, [> `Decode of string ]) result
val parse_digitally_signed_1_2 : string -> (Core.signature_algorithm * string, [> `Decode of string ]) result

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