Module type
Class type
Transport layer security
is an implementation of transport layer security in OCaml. TLS is a widely used security protocol which establishes an end-to-end secure channel (with optional (mutual) authentication) between two endpoints. It uses TCP/IP as transport. This library supports all four versions of TLS: 1.3, RFC8446, 1.2, RFC5246, 1.1, RFC4346, and 1.0, RFC2246. SSL, the previous protocol definition, is not supported.
TLS is algorithmically agile: protocol version, key exchange algorithm, symmetric cipher, and message authentication code are negotiated upon connection.
This library implements several extensions of TLS, AES ciphers, TLS extensions (such as server name indication, SNI), Renegotiation extension, Session Hash and Extended Master Secret Extension.
This library does not contain insecure cipher suites (such as single DES, export ciphers, ...). It does not expose the server time in the server random, requires secure renegotiation.
This library consists of a core, implemented in a purely functional matter (Engine
, this module), and effectful parts: Tls_lwt
and Tls_mirage
val client : Config.client -> state * string
client client
is tls * out
where tls
is the initial state, and out
the initial client hello
val server : Config.server -> state
server server
is tls
where tls
is the initial server state
type error = [
| `AuthenticationFailure of X509.Validation.validation_error
| `NoConfiguredCiphersuite of Ciphersuite.ciphersuite list
| `NoConfiguredVersions of Core.tls_version list
| `NoConfiguredSignatureAlgorithm of Core.signature_algorithm list
| `NoMatchingCertificateFound of string
| `CouldntSelectCertificate
failures which can be mitigated by reconfiguration
type fatal = [
| `Protocol_version of
[ `None_supported of Core.tls_any_version list
| `Unknown_record of int * int
| `Bad_record of Core.tls_any_version ]
| `Unexpected of
[ `Content_type of int
| `Message of string
| `Handshake of Core.tls_handshake ]
| `Decode of string
| `Handshake of
[ `Message of string
| `Fragments
| `BadDH of string
| `BadECDH of Mirage_crypto_ec.error ]
| `Bad_certificate of string
| `Missing_extension of string
| `Bad_mac
| `Record_overflow of int
| `Unsupported_extension
| `Inappropriate_fallback
| `No_application_protocol
failures from received garbage or lack of features
type of failures
val alert_of_failure : failure -> Packet.alert_level * Packet.alert_type
alert_of_failure failure
is alert
, the TLS alert type for this failure.
val string_of_failure : failure -> string
string_of_failure failure
is string
, the string representation of the failure
type ret =
* [ `Eof ] option
* [ `Response of string option ]
* [ `Data of string option ],
failure * [ `Response of string ])
result type of handle_tls
: either failed to handle the incoming buffer (`Fail
) with failure
and potentially a message to send to the other endpoint, or sucessful operation (`Ok
) with a new state
, an end of file (`Eof
), or an incoming (`Alert
). Possibly some `Response
to the other endpoint is needed, and potentially some `Data
for the application was received.
handle_tls state buffer
is ret
, depending on incoming state
and buffer
, the result is the appropriate ret
val handshake_in_progress : state -> bool
handshake_in_progrss state
is a predicate which indicates whether there is a handshake in progress or scheduled.
send_application_data tls outs
is Some (tls', out)
where tls'
is the new tls state, and out
the cstruct to send over the wire (encrypted outs
) when the TLS session is ready. When the TLS session is not ready it is None
send_close_notify tls
is tls' * out
where tls'
is the new tls state, and out the (possible encrypted) close notify alert.
val reneg :
?authenticator:X509.Authenticator.t ->
?acceptable_cas:X509.Distinguished_name.t list ->
?cert:Config.own_cert ->
state ->
(state * string) option
reneg ~authenticator ~acceptable_cas ~cert tls
initiates a renegotation on tls
, using the provided authenticator
. It is tls' * out
where tls'
is the new tls state, and out
either a client hello or hello request (depending on which communication endpoint tls
key_update ~request state
initiates a KeyUpdate (TLS 1.3 only). If request
is provided and true
(the default), the KeyUpdate message contains a request that the peer should update their traffic key as well.
val epoch : state -> (Core.epoch_data, unit) result
epoch state
is epoch
, which contains the session information. If there's no established session yet, an error is returned.
val export_key_material :
Core.epoch_data ->
?context:string ->
string ->
int ->
export_key_material epoch_data ?context label length
is the RFC 5705 exported key material of length
bytes using label
and, if provided, context
val channel_binding :
Core.epoch_data ->
[ `Tls_exporter | `Tls_unique | `Tls_server_endpoint ] ->
(string, [ `Msg of string ]) result
channel_binding epoch_data mode
is the RFC 5929 and RFC 9266 specified channel binding. Please note that `Tls_unique
will error for TLS 1.3 sessions, and `Tls_exporter
is not recommended for TLS < 1.3 sessions (unless the uniqueness is ensured via another path).