package tezos-stdlib-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Animation : sig ... end
module File_descriptor_sink : sig ... end

An implementation of Tezos_base.Internal_event.SINK which writes the events as JSON or pretty printed into a single file-descriptor.

module File_event_sink : sig ... end

An implementation of Tezos_base.Internal_event.SINK which writes the events as JSON files in a given directory structure.

module Lwt_lock_file : sig ... end

Simple abstraction over Unix lockfiles

module Lwt_log_sink_unix : sig ... end
module Lwt_utils_unix : sig ... end
module Moving_average : sig ... end

Moving averages.

module Stored_data : sig ... end

Persistent data manager.

module Sys_info : sig ... end
module Systime_os : sig ... end
module Unix_error : sig ... end
module Utils : sig ... end

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