package tezos-shell

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val chain_store : t -> Tezos_store.Store.chain_store
val sync_status : t -> Synchronisation_heuristic.status
val bootstrapped : t -> unit Lwt.t

Wait for the `synchronisation_status` to be `Synchronised`. Subsequent calls return immediately. In other words, once a node is bootstrapped, it remains bootstrapped until it terminates (except if force_bootstrapped is used).

val is_bootstrapped : t -> bool
val force_bootstrapped : t -> bool -> unit Lwt.t
val prevalidator : t -> Prevalidator.t option
val chain_db : t -> Distributed_db.chain_db
val child : t -> t option
val shutdown : t -> unit Lwt.t
val running_workers : unit -> (Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Chain_id.t * t) list
val pending_requests_length : t -> int

Innovation. Community. Security.