package tezos-shell

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
type config = {
  1. genesis : Tezos_base.Genesis.t;
  2. chain_name : Tezos_base.Distributed_db_version.Name.t;
  3. sandboxed_chain_name : Tezos_base.Distributed_db_version.Name.t;
  4. user_activated_upgrades : Tezos_base.User_activated.upgrades;
  5. user_activated_protocol_overrides : Tezos_base.User_activated.protocol_overrides;
  6. operation_metadata_size_limit : Tezos_shell_services.Shell_limits.operation_metadata_size_limit;
  7. data_dir : string;
  8. external_validator_log_config : Tezos_validation.External_validation.log_config;
  9. store_root : string;
  10. context_root : string;
  11. protocol_root : string;
  12. patch_context : (Tezos_protocol_environment.Context.t -> Tezos_protocol_environment.Context.t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.tzresult Lwt.t) option;
  13. p2p : (Tezos_p2p.P2p.config * Tezos_p2p_services.P2p_limits.t) option;
  14. target : (Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Block_hash.t * int32) option;
  15. disable_mempool : bool;

    If true, all non-empty mempools will be ignored.

  16. enable_testchain : bool;

    If false, testchain related messages will be ignored.

  17. dal : Tezos_crypto_dal.Cryptobox.Config.t;
val shutdown : t -> unit Lwt.t
val build_rpc_directory : t -> unit Tezos_rpc.Directory.t

Innovation. Community. Security.