package tezos-protocol-alpha

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The part of a delegate balance that can't be used. The total balance is frozen_deposits.current_amount + balance. It also stores the initial frozen balance in frozen_deposits.initial_amount. We have current_amount <= initial_amount and current_amount < initial_amount iff the delegate was slashed.

include Storage_sigs.Non_iterable_indexed_data_storage with type key = Contract_repr.t with type value = deposits with type t := Raw_context.t
type context = Raw_context.t
type key = Contract_repr.t

An abstract type for keys

type value = deposits

The type of values

Tells if a given key is already bound to a storage bucket

Retrieve a value from the storage bucket at a given key ; returns Storage_errorMissing_key if the key is not set ; returns Storage_errorCorrupted_data if the deserialisation fails.

Retrieve a value from the storage bucket at a given key ; returns None if the value is not set ; returns Storage_error Corrupted_data if the deserialisation fails.

Updates the content of a bucket ; returns A Storage_Error Missing_key if the value does not exists.

Allocates a storage bucket at the given key and initializes it ; returns a Storage_errorExisting_key if the bucket exists.

Allocates a storage bucket at the given key and initializes it with a value ; just updates it if the bucket exists.

When the value is Some v, allocates the data and initializes it with v ; just updates it if the bucket exists. When the value is None, delete the storage bucket when the value ; does nothing if the bucket does not exists.

Delete a storage bucket and its contents ; returns a Storage_errorMissing_key if the bucket does not exists.

Removes a storage bucket and its contents ; does nothing if the bucket does not exists.

Empties all the keys and associated data.

Lists all the keys.

Lists all the keys and associated data.

val fold : context -> order:[ `Sorted | `Undefined ] -> init:'a -> f:(key -> value -> 'a -> 'a Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Lwt.t) -> 'a Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Lwt.t

Iterates over all the keys and associated data.

val fold_keys : context -> order:[ `Sorted | `Undefined ] -> init:'a -> f:(key -> 'a -> 'a Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Lwt.t) -> 'a Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Lwt.t

Iterate over all the keys.

Returns true iff context is empty.


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