package tezos-protocol-alpha

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module re-exports definitions from Dal_errors_repr.

type Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Dal_feature_disabled
  2. | Dal_slot_index_above_hard_limit of {
    1. given : int;
  3. | Dal_attestation_unexpected_size of {
    1. expected : int;
    2. got : int;
  4. | Dal_publish_slot_header_future_level of {
    1. provided : Raw_level.t;
    2. expected : Raw_level.t;
  5. | Dal_publish_slot_header_past_level of {
    1. provided : Raw_level.t;
    2. expected : Raw_level.t;
  6. | Dal_publish_slot_header_invalid_index of {
    1. given : Dal.Slot_index.t;
    2. maximum : Dal.Slot_index.t;
  7. | Dal_publish_slot_header_candidate_with_low_fees of {
    1. proposed_fees : Tez.t;
  8. | Dal_attestation_size_limit_exceeded of {
    1. maximum_size : int;
    2. got : int;
  9. | Dal_publish_slot_header_duplicate of {
    1. slot_header : Dal.Slot.Header.t;
  10. | Dal_publish_slot_header_invalid_proof of {
    1. commitment : Dal.Slot.Commitment.t;
    2. commitment_proof : Dal.Slot.Commitment_proof.t;
  11. | Dal_data_availibility_attestor_not_in_committee of {
    1. attestor : Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Signature.Public_key_hash.t;
    2. level : Level.t;
  12. | Dal_operation_for_old_level of {
    1. current : Raw_level.t;
    2. given : Raw_level.t;
  13. | Dal_operation_for_future_level of {
    1. current : Raw_level.t;
    2. given : Raw_level.t;
  14. | Dal_cryptobox_error of {
    1. explanation : string;

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