package tezos-benchmark

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type options = {
  1. seed : int;
  2. nsamples : int;
  3. bench_number : int;
  4. minor_heap_size : [ `words of int ];
  5. config_file : string option;
val options_encoding : options Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t
val pp_options : Format.formatter -> options -> unit
type 'workload measured_workload = {
  1. workload : 'workload;

    Workload associated to the measurement

  2. measures : Maths.vector;

    Collected measurements

type 'workload workload_data = 'workload measured_workload list
type 'workload measurement = {
  1. bench_opts : options;
  2. workload_data : 'workload workload_data;
  3. date :;
type packed_measurement =
  1. | Measurement : ('a, 't) Benchmark.poly * 't measurement -> packed_measurement
type workloads_stats = {
  1. max : float;
  2. min : float;
  3. mean : float;
  4. variance : float;
val save : filename:string -> options:options -> bench:('c, 't) Benchmark.poly -> workload_data:'t workload_data -> packed_measurement
val packed_measurement_save_json : packed_measurement -> string option -> unit
val load : filename:string -> packed_measurement
val to_csv : filename:string -> bench:('c, 't) Benchmark.poly -> workload_data:'t workload_data -> unit
val perform_benchmark : options -> ('c, 't) Benchmark.poly -> 't workload_data
val make_timing_probe : (module Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Compare.COMPARABLE with type t = 't) -> 't Generator.probe
val get_free_variable_set : packed_measurement -> Free_variable.Set.t
module Time : sig ... end

All return nano seconds


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