package tezos-benchmark

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module implements a schema for a json file that contains the configuration for all the benchmarks registered in Snoop. This configuration file has a tree-like structure that follows the Namespace hierarchy of the benchmarks. Its root element is always ".".

type t

The type of the configuration file

val encoding : t Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t

Its encoding

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print t in JSON

val empty : t

The minimal config file

val build : (Namespace.t * Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.json) list -> t

Build t from the given bindings

val get_config : Benchmark.t -> t -> Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.json

Given a benchmark b and a config c, get_config b c returns the configuration for the benchmark b stored in c, in json form.

val parse_config : ?print:out_channel -> ('c, 't) Benchmark.poly -> string option -> 'c

Given a benchmark b and a file path p, parse_config b (Some p) returns the configuration for the benchmark b stored in the configuration file located in path p. And parse_config b None returns the default configuration for b instead. If print is specified, the configuration is printed out in print. Otherwise nothing is printed

val save_config : string -> t -> unit

Save the given config to a file

val generate_default : Benchmark.t list -> t

Given a list of benchmarks l, generate_default l generates a default configuration containing all the given benchmarks, and filled with the default configuration for each benchmark

val merge_config_files : ?delete_src:bool -> dst:string -> src:string -> unit -> unit

merge_config_files dst src () merges the configuration files found at paths dst and src, in dst. If case of conflict, src overwrites dst. If delete_src (default false) is set to true, then the file src is deleted after merging.

val edit_config : ?input: [< `Stdin | `String of string | `File of string | `Edit of string Edit Stdin ] -> string -> Namespace.t -> unit

edit_config path namespace edits the config file found at path, at the location namespace in the file. input is the method the json file is edited, which can be either

  • `Stdin, reading from the standard input (default)
  • `String s, parsing a string as a Json document
  • `File f, using a Json file at path f
  • `Edit e, using the given text editor e

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