package tezos-011-PtHangz2-test-helpers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Account : sig ... end
module Assert : sig ... end
module Block : sig ... end
module Context : sig ... end
module Contract_helpers : sig ... end
module Cpmm_logic : sig ... end
module Cpmm_repr : sig ... end
module Error_monad_operators : sig ... end
module Expr : sig ... end
module Expr_common : sig ... end
module Incremental : sig ... end
module Liquidity_baking_generator : sig ... end

This module provides a set of abstractions to reason about the so-called “liquidity baking” feature1.

module Liquidity_baking_machine : sig ... end

This module provides the means to test extensively the Liquidity Baking (LB) feature. We recall that this feature is built upon three smart contracts: (1) a CPMM contract initially based on Dexter 2, and (2) two tokens contracts. Our objective is to run “scenarios” consisting in interleaved, realistic calls to these contracts, and to assert these scenarios do not yield any undesirable behaviors.

module Lqt_fa12_repr : sig ... end
module Nonce : sig ... end
module Op : sig ... end
module Rewards : sig ... end

The tables are precomputed using this the following formulas:

module Sapling_helpers : sig ... end
module Script_big_map : sig ... end
module Script_list : sig ... end
module Script_map : sig ... end
module Script_set : sig ... end
module Test_global_constants : sig ... end
module Test_tez : sig ... end
module Testable : sig ... end

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