package tezos-011-PtHangz2-test-helpers

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | AddLiquidity of add_liquidity
  2. | Default of unit
  3. | RemoveLiquidity of remove_liquidity
  4. | TokenToToken of token_to_token
  5. | TokenToXtz of token_to_xtz
  6. | XtzToToken of xtz_to_token
val addLiquidity : add_liquidity -> t
val default : unit -> t
val removeLiquidity : remove_liquidity -> t
val tokenToToken : token_to_token -> t
val tokenToXtz : token_to_xtz -> t
val xtzToToken : xtz_to_token -> t
val add_liquidity_to_string : add_liquidity -> string
val remove_liquidity_to_string : remove_liquidity -> string
val token_to_token_to_string : token_to_token -> string
val token_to_xtz_to_string : token_to_xtz -> string
val xtz_to_token_to_string : xtz_to_token -> string
val to_string : t -> string
val entrypoint_of_parameter : t -> string
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool
val to_michelson_string : t -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.