package styled-ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val string_of_content : [< `attr of string | `closeQuote | `conicGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `counter of string * | `counters of string * string * | `inherit_ | `initial | `linearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `noCloseQuote | `noOpenQuote | `none | `normal | `openQuote | `radialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingLinearGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.direction option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `repeatingRadialGradient of Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.shape option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.radial_size option * Css_AtomicTypes.Position.t option * Css_AtomicTypes.Gradient.color_stop_list | `revert | `revertLayer | `text of Js.String.t | `unset | `url of string | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> Js.String.t
val string_of_counter_increment : [< `increment of string * int | `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_counter_reset : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `reset of string * int | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_counter_set : [< `inherit_ | `initial | `none | `revert | `revertLayer | `set of string * int | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_column_gap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_row_gap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_gap : [< `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `normal | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_position : [< `auto | `calc of [ `add of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `mult of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `sub of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value * Css_AtomicTypes.Length.calc_value | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] | `ch of Js.Float.t | `cm of Js.Float.t | `em of Js.Float.t | `ex of Js.Float.t | `inch of Js.Float.t | `inherit_ | `initial | `max of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `min of Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t Belt.Array.t | `mm of Js.Float.t | `pc of Js.Float.t | `percent of Js.Float.t | `pt of Js.Int.t | `px of Js.Int.t | `pxFloat of Js.Float.t | `rem of Js.Float.t | `revert | `revertLayer | `unset | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string | `vh of Js.Float.t | `vmax of Js.Float.t | `vmin of Js.Float.t | `vw of Js.Float.t | `zero ] -> string
val string_of_color : [< `colorMix of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.t Css_AtomicTypes.Color.colorMix | `currentColor | `hex of string | `hsl of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsl | `hsla of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.hsla | `rgb of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgb | `rgba of Css_AtomicTypes.Color.rgba | `transparent | `var of Js.String.t | `varDefault of Js.String.t * string ] -> string
val string_of_dasharray : [< Css_AtomicTypes.Length.t ] -> string

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