package styled-ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type time = [
  1. | `s of int
  2. | `ms of int
type calc_value = [
  1. | time
  2. | `calc of [ time | `add of calc_value * calc_value | `sub of calc_value * calc_value | `mult of calc_value * calc_value ]
  3. | `min of t array
  4. | `max of t array
  5. | `num of float
and t = [
  1. | time
  2. | `min of t array
  3. | `max of t array
  4. | `calc of [ time | `add of calc_value * calc_value | `sub of calc_value * calc_value | `mult of calc_value * calc_value ]
val s : 'a -> [> `s of 'a ]
val ms : 'a -> [> `ms of 'a ]
val toString : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a -> string
val minmax_to_string : [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of [< `add of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'c * 'c | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'c * 'c | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'c * 'c ] as 'b | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'a * 'a | `mult of 'a * 'a | `sub of 'a * 'a ] | `max of 'a Belt.Array.t | `min of 'a Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t max min ] -> string
val calc_value_to_string : [< `calc of [< `add of 'a * 'a | `max of [< `calc of 'b | `max of 'c | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'd Belt.Array.t as 'c | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'a * 'a | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'a * 'a ] as 'b | `max of 'c | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'a -> string
val string_of_calc_min_max : [< `add of [< `calc of 'a | `max of [< `calc of 'a | `max of 'c | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `s of Js.Int.t ms s ] as 'd Belt.Array.t as 'c | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `num of Js.Float.t | `s of Js.Int.t ] as 'b * 'b | `max of 'c | `min of 'd Belt.Array.t | `ms of Js.Int.t | `mult of 'b * 'b | `s of Js.Int.t | `sub of 'b * 'b ] as 'a -> string

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