package spotlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = Stdlib.Format.formatter
val stdout : t
val stderr : t
val list : (unit, t, unit) Stdlib.format -> (t -> 'a -> unit) -> t -> 'a list -> unit
val option : (t -> 'a -> unit) -> t -> 'a option -> unit
val lazy_ : (t -> 'a -> unit) -> t -> 'a Stdlib.Lazy.t -> unit
val hbox : t -> unit -> unit
val vbox : t -> int -> unit
val hvbox : t -> int -> unit
val hovbox : t -> int -> unit
val box : t -> int -> unit
val tag : t -> string -> unit
val tbox : t -> unit -> unit
val close_box : t -> unit -> unit
val close_tag : t -> unit -> unit
val close_tbox : t -> unit -> unit
val string : t -> string -> unit
val as_ : t -> int -> string -> unit
val int : t -> int -> unit
val float : t -> float -> unit
val char : t -> char -> unit
val bool : t -> bool -> unit
val break : t -> int -> int -> unit
val tbreak : t -> int -> int -> unit
val cut : t -> unit
val space : t -> unit
val force_newline : t -> unit
val flush : t -> unit
val newline : t -> unit
val if_newline : t -> unit
val tab : t -> unit
val set_tab : t -> unit -> unit
val set_tags : t -> bool -> unit
val set_print_tags : t -> bool -> unit
val set_mark_tags : t -> bool -> unit
val print_tags : t -> unit -> bool
val mark_tags : t -> unit -> bool
val set_margin : t -> int -> unit
val margin : t -> unit -> int
val set_max_indent : t -> int -> unit
val max_indent : t -> unit -> int
val set_max_boxes : t -> int -> unit
val max_boxes : t -> unit -> int
val over_max_boxes : t -> unit -> bool
val set_ellipsis_text : t -> string -> unit
val ellipsis_text : t -> unit -> string
val set_formatter_out_channel : t -> Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val set_formatter_output_functions : t -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val formatter_output_functions : t -> unit -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
val set_formatter_out_functions : t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter_out_functions -> unit
val formatter_out_functions : t -> unit -> Stdlib.Format.formatter_out_functions
val set_formatter_tag_functions : t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter_tag_functions -> unit
val formatter_tag_functions : t -> unit -> Stdlib.Format.formatter_tag_functions
val of_out_channel : Stdlib.out_channel -> t
val to_string : (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> string
val sprintf : ('a, t, unit, string) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a

sprintf with a better type than the orignal

val ksprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, t, unit, 'a) Stdlib.format4 -> 'b

Innovation. Community. Security.