package spotlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Stdlib.Gc end
type stat = Stdlib__Gc.stat = {
  1. minor_words : float;
  2. promoted_words : float;
  3. major_words : float;
  4. minor_collections : int;
  5. major_collections : int;
  6. heap_words : int;
  7. heap_chunks : int;
  8. live_words : int;
  9. live_blocks : int;
  10. free_words : int;
  11. free_blocks : int;
  12. largest_free : int;
  13. fragments : int;
  14. compactions : int;
  15. top_heap_words : int;
  16. stack_size : int;
  17. forced_major_collections : int;
type control = Stdlib__Gc.control = {
  1. mutable minor_heap_size : int;
  2. mutable major_heap_increment : int;
  3. mutable space_overhead : int;
  4. mutable verbose : int;
  5. mutable max_overhead : int;
  6. mutable stack_limit : int;
  7. mutable allocation_policy : int;
  8. window_size : int;
  9. custom_major_ratio : int;
  10. custom_minor_ratio : int;
  11. custom_minor_max_size : int;
val stat : unit -> stat
val quick_stat : unit -> stat
val counters : unit -> float * float * float
val minor_words : unit -> float
val get : unit -> control
val set : control -> unit
val minor : unit -> unit
val major_slice : int -> int
val major : unit -> unit
val full_major : unit -> unit
val compact : unit -> unit
val print_stat : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit
val allocated_bytes : unit -> float
val get_minor_free : unit -> int
val get_bucket : int -> int
val get_credit : unit -> int
val huge_fallback_count : unit -> int
val finalise : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val finalise_last : (unit -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
val finalise_release : unit -> unit
type alarm = Stdlib__Gc.alarm
val create_alarm : (unit -> unit) -> alarm
val delete_alarm : alarm -> unit
val eventlog_pause : unit -> unit
val eventlog_resume : unit -> unit
module Memprof : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Xgc end
val used_words : unit -> int
val with_compacts : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * (int * int)

Returns used words before and after


Innovation. Community. Security.