package speed

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Metadata = Speed_metadata
module TestInput : sig ... end
type 'a test_input = 'a TestInput.t
module type DOMAIN = sig ... end
module type TEST_RESULT = sig ... end
module Make (R : TEST_RESULT) : sig ... end
module MakeFunctions (D : DOMAIN) : sig ... end
module SyncTestResult : sig ... end
module LwtTestResult : sig ... end
module MakeComplex (T : TEST_RESULT) : sig ... end
module Sync : sig ... end
module LwtDomain : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Sync end
module Dom = Sync.Dom
type test_result = SyncTestResult.t
type !'a test_function = 'a test_input -> test_result
type !'a example = 'a Make(SyncTestResult).example = {
  1. name : string;
  2. focus : bool;
  3. metadata : Metadata.t list;
  4. f : 'a test_function;
type !'a t = 'a Make(SyncTestResult).t = {
  1. name : string option;
  2. child_groups : 'a child_suite list;
  3. metadata : Metadata.t list;
  4. examples : 'a example list;
  5. has_focused : bool;
and !'a child_suite = 'a Make(SyncTestResult).child_suite =
  1. | Child : {
    1. child : 'b t;
    2. setup : 'a0 test_input -> 'b;
    } -> 'a0 child_suite
  2. | Context : {
    1. child : 'a1 t;
    } -> 'a1 child_suite
val empty : 'a Dom.t
val make_suite : ?name:string -> ?metadata:Metadata.t list -> unit -> 'a Dom.t
val make : string -> 'a Dom.t
val add_example : ?focus:bool -> ?metadata:Metadata.t list -> string -> 'a Dom.test_function -> 'a Dom.t -> 'a Dom.t
val add_child : 'a Dom.child_suite -> 'a Dom.t -> 'a Dom.t
val add_child_group : 'a Dom.t -> 'a Dom.t -> 'a Dom.t
val add_child_group_with_setup : setup:('a test_input -> 'b) -> 'b Dom.t -> 'a Dom.t -> 'a Dom.t
val add_fixture : ?name:string -> ?metadata:Metadata.t list -> setup:('a test_input -> 'b) -> ('c Dom.t -> 'b Dom.t) -> 'a Dom.t -> 'a Dom.t
val add_context : ?metadata:Metadata.t list -> string -> ('a Dom.t -> 'b Dom.t) -> 'b Dom.t -> 'b Dom.t
val get_example_count : 'a Dom.t -> int
val child_group_count : 'a Dom.t -> int

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