package speed

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module AssertionResult : sig ... end
type print = Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit
exception AssertionError
exception FormattedAssertionError of Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit
val match_success : 'a -> ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result
val match_failure : ?pp:print -> 'a -> ('b, [> `AssertionError of 'a | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val equality_failure : 'a -> 'a -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> ('b, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val be_true : bool -> (bool, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val be_ok : ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result -> ('a, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val be_error : ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result -> ('b, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val be_false : bool -> (bool, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val equal_int : int -> int -> (int, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val equal_string : Stdlib.String.t -> Stdlib.String.t -> (Stdlib.String.t, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val contain : Base.String.t -> Base.String.t -> (Base.String.t, [> `AssertionError of unit | `AssertionErrorWithFormat of print ]) Stdlib.result
val run_matcher : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val expect : ?name:string -> 'a -> ('a -> ('b, [> `AssertionErrorWithFormat of Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit ]) Stdlib.result) -> unit
val (>=>) : ('a -> ('b, 'c) Base.Result.t) -> ('b -> ('d, 'c) Base.Result.t) -> 'a -> ('d, 'c) Base.Result.t
val should : ?name:string -> ('a -> ('b, [> `AssertionErrorWithFormat of Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit ]) Stdlib.result) -> 'a -> unit

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