package saturn

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Lock-free single-producer, multi-consumer dynamic-size double-ended queue (deque).

The main strength of a deque in a typical work-stealing setup with a per-core structure, is efficient work distribution. The owner uses push and pop methods to operate at one end of the deque, while other (free) cores can efficiently steal work from the other side.

This approach is great for throughput. Stealers and the owner working on different sides, reduce contention in work distribution. Further, the local LIFO order, running related tasks one after another, improves locality.

On the other hand, the local LIFO order does not offer any fairness guarantees. Thus, it is not the best choice when tail latency matters.


type 'a t

Type of work-stealing queue

val create : unit -> 'a t

create () returns a new empty work-stealing queue.

val of_list : 'a list -> 'a t

of_list list creates a new work-stealing queue from list.

🐌 This is a linear-time operation.

# open Saturn.Work_stealing_deque
# let t : int t = of_list [1;2;3;4]
val t : int t = <abstr>
# pop_opt t
- : int option = Some 4
# pop_opt t 
- : int option = Some 3
exception Empty

Queue owner functions

val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit

push queue element adds element at the end of the queue. It should only be invoked by the domain that owns the queue.

val pop_exn : 'a t -> 'a

pop_exn queue removes and returns the last element of the queue. It should only be invoked by the domain that owns the queue.

  • raises Empty

    if the queue is empty.

val pop_opt : 'a t -> 'a option

pop_opt queue removes and returns Some of the last element of the queue, or returns None if the queue is empty. It should only be invoked by the domain that owns the queue.

val drop_exn : 'a t -> unit

drop_exn queue removes the last element of the queue. It should only be invoked by the domain that owns the queue.

  • raises Empty

    if the queue is empty.

Stealer functions

val steal_exn : 'a t -> 'a

steal_exn queue removes and returns the first element of the queue.

  • raises Empty

    if the queue is empty.

val steal_opt : 'a t -> 'a option

steal_opt queue removes and returns Some of the first element of the queue, or returns None if the queue is empty.

val steal_drop_exn : 'a t -> unit

steal_drop_exn queue removes the first element of the queue.

  • raises Empty

    if the queue is empty.


Sequential example

An example top-level session:

# open Saturn.Work_stealing_deque
# let t : int t = of_list [1;2;3;4;5;6]
val t : int t = <abstr>
# pop_opt t
- : int option = Some 6
# steal_opt t
- : int option = Some 1
# drop_exn t
- : unit = ()
# pop_opt t
- : int option = Some 4
# steal_drop_exn t
- : unit = ()
# steal_exn t
- : int = 3
# steal_exn t
Exception: Saturn__Ws_deque.Empty.

Multicore example

Note: The barrier is used in this example solely to make the results more interesting by increasing the likelihood of parallelism. Spawning a domain is a costly operation, especially compared to the relatively small amount of work being performed here. In practice, using a barrier in this manner is unnecessary.

# open Saturn.Work_stealing_deque
# let t : int t = create ()
val t : int t = <abstr>
# let barrier = Atomic.make 3
val barrier : int Atomic.t = <abstr>

# let owner () = 
      Atomic.decr barrier;
      while Atomic.get barrier <> 0 do Domain.cpu_relax () done;
      for i = 1 to 10 do push t i; Domain.cpu_relax () done
val owner : unit -> unit = <fun>

# let stealer id () =
      Atomic.decr barrier;
      while Atomic.get barrier <> 0 do Domain.cpu_relax () done;

      for _ = 1 to 5 do
            match steal_opt t with
            | None -> ()
            | Some v -> Format.printf "Stealer %s stole %d@." id v
val stealer : string -> unit -> unit = <fun>

# let stealerA = Domain.spawn (stealer "A")
val stealerA : unit Domain.t = <abstr>
# let stealerB = Domain.spawn (stealer "B")
val stealerB : unit Domain.t = <abstr>
# owner ()
Stealer A stole 1
Stealer B stole 2
Stealer A stole 3
Stealer B stole 4
Stealer A stole 5
Stealer A stole 7
Stealer B stole 6
Stealer A stole 8
Stealer B stole 9
Stealer B stole 10
- : unit = ()
# Domain.join stealerA; Domain.join stealerB
- : unit = ()

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