package saturn

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Randomized lock-free bag


type !'v t

Represents a lock-free bag of elements of type 'v

val create : unit -> 'v t

create () creates a new empty lock-free bag.

val push : 'v t -> 'v -> unit

push bag elt adds elt to the bag.

exception Empty

Raised when pop_exn is applied to an empty bag.

val pop_exn : 'v t -> 'v

pop_exn bag removes and returns a random element of the bag.

  • raises Empty

    if the bag is empty.

val pop_opt : 'v t -> 'v option

pop_opt bag removes and returns Some of a random element of the bag and None if the bag is empty.


# Random.init 0
- : unit = ()
# module Bag = Saturn.Bag
module Bag = Saturn.Bag
# let t : string Bag.t = Bag.create ()
val t : string Bag.t = <abstr>

# let planets = ["Mercury"; "Venus"; "Earth"; "Mars"; "Jupiter"; "Saturn"; "Uranus"; "Neptune"]
val planets : string list =
  ["Mercury"; "Venus"; "Earth"; "Mars"; "Jupiter"; "Saturn"; "Uranus";
# List.iter (Bag.push t) planets
- : unit = ()
# Bag.pop_exn t
- : string = "Neptune"
# Bag.pop_opt t
- : string option = Some "Saturn"
# Bag.pop_exn t
- : string = "Mercury"
# Bag.pop_exn t
- : string = "Mars"
# Bag.pop_exn t
- : string = "Earth"
# Bag.pop_exn t
- : string = "Venus"
# Bag.pop_exn t
- : string = "Uranus"
# Bag.pop_exn t
- : string = "Jupiter"
# Bag.pop_exn t
Exception: Saturn__Bag.Empty.

Innovation. Community. Security.