package salto-analyzer
Dune Dependency
Static analyzer for OCaml programs, that infers possible output values for every part of a program, as well as exceptions that might be raised. It is based on the theory of abstract interpretation.
Published: 12 Mar 2025
The Salto static analyser for OCaml programs
The Salto analyser is a static analyser for OCaml programs. It is a whole-program analyser that is based on the theory of abstract interpretation.
Not all features of the OCaml programming language or its standard library are supported right now.
The analyser can only analyse executables (as opposed to libraries). It will infer an over-approximation of the final value that is computed, of the heap that has been allocated, of the exceptions that might be raised, and of the exit codes that might be returned.
In its current state, this project should be considered experimental. It has been successfully tested on small projects (up to a few hundred lines). For larger projects or projects that involve generated code (such as parser generators like ocamlyacc
or menhir
), however, it is likely that the analyser takes very long time and consumes a very large amount of memory. Pieces of code that allocate a lot of mutable data are also likely to make the analysis costly. You have been warned.
Additional note: if your project depends on external libraries, those libraries must provide the .cmt
and .cmti
files of their implementation, so that the calls to such libraries can be analysed.
The supported features and analyses, command line options, and output format are subject to changes.
An early version of the analyser and the techniques it employs has been described in the research article:
"Detection of Uncaught Exceptions in Functional Programs by Abstract Interpretation", P. Lermusiaux and B. Montagu, ESOP 2024, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-57267-8_15
How to build the project
To install the analyser, simply type
opam install salto-analyzer
If you want to compile it by hand, you will first need to install salto-IL
and ez-dune-describe
. Then, type make
. This builds an executable salto
and a JavaScript version that can be used in a local web page.
You can run the analyser binary by calling
dune exec --profile=release -- salto analyze FLAGS DIR
where DIR
is a directory that contains an OCaml that is built using dune
To print the documentation, type
dune exec -- salto analyze --help
The JavaScript demo is available in the file, that you should open in your preferred web browser:
In this demo, the OCaml standard library is not available.
How to run tests
To execute the tests, run the command
make test
This commands runs the analyser on the test suite located in the tests/analyze
directory, with the exception of a few tests that are disabled, due to their long running time. See the file tests/analyze/
to see which tests are disabled.
The directory tests/analyze
also contains in the files *.expected
the expected outputs of for each test file. If a test run produces a result that is not the expected result, then a diff is printed and an error is raised.
How to run benchmarks
There are two sets of benchmarks: the "short benchmarks", that should need a few minutes to complete, and the "long benchmarks", that need between 2 and 3 hours to complete. The benchmark files are selected from the test files found in tests/analyze
To run the short benchmarks, type the command
make bench
To run the long benchmarks, type the command
make bench-long
The benchmarks create .csv
, .txt
and *.pdf
files in the bench
directory. The .txt
file is a human friendly version of the .csv
file. The *.pdf
files are graphs that compare running time or memory consumption for two options of the analyser (with or without minimisation).
For every test file, the benchmarks measure:
The number lines of code
The time to complete the analysis when minimisation is disabled (in seconds)
The maximum amount of memory consumed by the analysis when minimisation is disabled (in kilobytes)
The time to complete the analysis when minimisation is enabled (in seconds)
The maximum amount of memory consumed by the analysis when minimisation is enabled (in kilobytes)
Structure of the repository
: scripts to run benchmarks against the test suite oftests/analyze/
. The outputs of the benchmark procedures are written in this directory.bin/
: executables that call the analysis defined insrc/analyzers/
. The two executablesanalyze.exe
are produced, that can analyse, respectively,
file, and the executables produced by adune
: a demo of the analyser, that runs in a browser, thanks tojs_of_ocaml
. To run the demo, visit the filesalto.html
with your favorite web browser.src/
: core of the static
: functor that performs the analysis of OCaml program (parameterised over several abstract domains)
: functor that implements the abstract domains for sets of OCaml values (parameterised over abstract domains for base types)
: functor that implements a non-relational abstract
: the abstract exception monad and abstract domain, to easily handle the analysis of
: another monad and abstract domain, that remembers alarms
: library that provides useful functions on arraysdomains/
: abstract domains for base types (characters, the flat domain for strings, intervals of integers, signs, the flat domain for integers...)nablaRec/
: functor that implements the abstract domains for inductively defined sets of trees (parameterised over abstract domains for base types). This module is generic, i.e., it does not depend on the specificities of OCaml.
: library that facilitates hash-consing of data-structureslistExtra/
: library that provides useful functions on listsmemo/
: library that facilitates the definition of memoized functions and that exposes dynamic fixpoint solversralist/
: random-access lists (a data-structure from Chris Okasaki)
: test suite composed of
: test suite fordune
Dependencies (19)
>= "0.1"
>= "1.5.2"
>= "0.16.1"
>= "5.4.0"
build & >= "5.4.0"
>= "5.4.0" & <= "5.9.1"
>= "0.1.1"
>= "1.13"
>= "1.0.1"
>= "v0.16.0"
build & >= "5.2.1"
build & >= "1.9.0"
>= "1.0.0"
>= "1.3"
>= "0.5"
>= "1.2.0"
>= "v0.16.3"
>= "0.1.11"
>= "3.17"
Dev Dependencies (1)
Used by