package base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Full standard library replacement for OCaml


Dune Dependency






Full standard library replacement for OCaml

Base is a complete and portable alternative to the OCaml standard library. It provides all standard functionalities one would expect from a language standard library. It uses consistent conventions across all of its module.

Base aims to be usable in any context. As a result system dependent features such as I/O are not offered by Base. They are instead provided by companion libraries such as stdio:

Published: 30 Jun 2024


* Base


Base is a standard library for OCaml. It provides a standard set of
general purpose modules that are well-tested, performant, and
fully-portable across any environment that can run OCaml code. Unlike
other standard library projects, Base is meant to be used as a
wholesale replacement of the standard library distributed with the
OCaml compiler. In particular it makes different choices and doesn't
re-export features that are not fully portable such as I/O, which are
left to other libraries.

You also might want to browse the [[][API Documentation]].

** Installation

Install Base via [[][OPAM]]:

$ opam install base

Base has no runtime dependencies and is fast to build. Its sole build
dependencies are [[][dune]], which itself requires nothing more than the
compiler, and [[][sexplib0]].

** Using the OCaml standard library with Base

Base is intended as a full stdlib replacement.  As a result, after an
=open Base=, all the modules, values, types, ... coming from the OCaml
standard library that one normally gets in the default environment are

In order to access these values, one must use the =Stdlib= library,
which re-exports them all through the toplevel name =Stdlib=:
=Stdlib.String=, =Stdlib.print_string=, ...

** Differences between Base and the OCaml standard library

Programmers who are used to the OCaml standard library should read
through this section to understand major differences between the two
libraries that one should be aware of when switching to Base.

*** Comparison operators

The comparison operators exposed by the OCaml standard library are

#+begin_src ocaml
val compare : 'a -> 'a -> int
val ( <= ) : 'a -> 'a -> bool

What they implement is structural comparison of the runtime
representation of values. Since these are often error-prone,
i.e. they don't correspond to what the user expects, they are not
exposed directly by Base.

To use polymorphic comparison with Base, one should use the =Poly=
module. The default comparison operators exposed by Base are the
integer ones, just like the default arithmetic operators are the
integer ones.

The recommended way to compare arbitrary complex data structures is to
use the specific =compare= functions. For instance:

#+begin_src ocaml x y

The [[][ppx_compare]] rewriter
offers an alternative way to write this:

#+begin_src ocaml
[%compare: string list] x y

** Base and ppx code generators

Base uses a few ppx code generators to implement:

- Reliable and customizable comparison of OCaml values.
- Reliable and customizable hash of OCaml values.
- Conversions between OCaml values and s-expression.

However, it doesn't need these code generators to build. What it does
instead is use ppx as a code verification tool during development. It
works in a very similar fashion to
[[][expectation tests]].

Whenever you see this in the code source:

#+begin_src ocaml
type t = ... [@@deriving_inline sexp_of]
let sexp_of_t = ...

the code between the =[@@deriving_inline]= and the =[@@@end]= is
generated code. The generated code is currently quite big and hard to
read, however we are working on making it look like human-written

You can put the following elisp code in your =~/.emacs= file to hide
these blocks:

#+begin_src scheme
(defun deriving-inline-forward-sexp (&optional arg)
  (search-forward-regexp "\\[@@@end\\]") nil nil arg)

(defun setup-hide-deriving-inline ()
  (hs-minor-mode t)
  (let ((hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all nil))

(require 'hideshow)
(add-to-list 'hs-special-modes-alist
             '(tuareg-mode "\\[@@deriving_inline[^]]*\\]" "\\[@@@end\\]" nil
                           deriving-inline-forward-sexp nil))
(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'setup-hide-deriving-inline)

Things are not yet setup in the git repository to make it convenient
to change types and update the generated code, but they will be setup

** Base coding rules

There are a few coding rules across the code base that are enforced by
lint tools.

These rules are:

- Opening the =Stdlib= module is not allowed. Inside Base, the OCaml
  stdlib is shadowed and accessible through the =Stdlib= module. We
  forbid opening =Stdlib= so that we know exactly where things come
- =Stdlib.Foo= modules cannot be aliased, one must use =Stdlib.Foo=
  explicitly. This is to avoid having to remember a list of aliases
  at the beginning of each file.
- For some modules that are both in the OCaml stdlib and Base, such as
  =String=, we define a module =String0= for common functions that
  cannot be defined directly in =Base.String= to avoid creating a
  circular dependency.  Except for =String= itself, other modules
  are not allowed to use =Stdlib.String= and must use either =String= or
  =String0= instead.
- Indentation is exactly the one of =ocp-indent=.
- A few other coding style rules enforced by

The Base specific coding rules are checked by =ppx_base_lint=, in the
=lint= subfolder. The indentation rules are checked by a wrapper around
=ocp-indent= and the coding style rules are checked by =ppx_js_style=.

These checks are currently not run by =dune=, but it will soon get a
=-dev= flag to run them automatically.

** Sexp (de-)serializers

Most types in Base have ~sexp_of_t~ and ~t_of_sexp~ functions for converting
between values of that type and their sexp representations.

One pair of functions deserves special attention: ~String.sexp_of_t~ and
~String.t_of_sexp~.  These functions have the same types as ~Sexp.of_string~ and
~Sexp.to_string~ but very different behavior.

~String.sexp_of_t~ and ~String.t_of_sexp~ are used to encode and decode strings
"embedded" in a sexp representation. On the other hand, ~Sexp.of_string~ and
~Sexp.to_string~ are used to encode and decode the textual form of

The following example demonstrates the two pairs of functions in action:

#+begin_src ocaml
  open! Base
  open! Stdio

  (* Embed a string in a sexp *)

  let example_sexp : Sexp.t = List.sexp_of_t String.sexp_of_t [ "hello"; "world" ]

  let () =
    assert (Sexp.equal example_sexp (Sexp.List [ Sexp.Atom "hello"; Sexp.Atom "world" ]))

  let () =
    assert (
        [ "hello"; "world" ]
        (List.t_of_sexp String.t_of_sexp example_sexp))

  (* Embed a sexp in text (string) *)

  let write_sexp_to_file sexp =
    Out_channel.write_all "/tmp/file" ~data:(Sexp.to_string example_sexp)

  (* /tmp/file now contains:

       (hello world)
     v} *)

  let () =
    assert (Sexp.equal example_sexp (Sexp.of_string (In_channel.read_all "/tmp/file")))

Dependencies (5)

  1. dune-configurator
  2. dune >= "3.11.0"
  3. sexplib0 >= "v0.17" & < "v0.18"
  4. ocaml_intrinsics_kernel >= "v0.17" & < "v0.18"
  5. ocaml >= "5.1.0"

Dev Dependencies


  1. abstract_algebra >= "v0.17.0"
  2. accessor >= "v0.17.0"
  3. accessor_base >= "v0.17.0"
  4. ahrocksdb < "0.2.1"
  5. alcotest-async >= "1.3.0"
  6. arrayjit
  7. async_ssl >= "v0.17.0"
  8. azblob
  9. bap-main
  10. bap-recipe
  11. bap-recipe-command
  12. bap-relation
  13. base_bigstring >= "v0.17.0"
  14. base_quickcheck >= "v0.17.0"
  15. base_trie >= "v0.17.0"
  16. bin_prot >= "v0.17.0"
  17. bio_io >= "0.2.1" & < "0.5.1" | >= "0.7.0"
  18. bitvec-order
  19. bonsai >= "v0.17.0"
  20. caisar >= "2.1"
  21. caisar-xgboost
  22. camelsnakekebab
  23. camlimages >= "5.0.3" & < "5.0.5"
  24. capitalization
  25. capnp >= "3.3.0"
  26. catt
  27. cmdlang-to-base
  28. cohttp-async = "2.5.2-1" | >= "2.5.6" & < "4.0.0" | >= "5.0.0"
  29. combinat < "3.0"
  30. cookie >= "0.1.8"
  31. core >= "v0.17.0"
  32. core_kernel >= "v0.17.0"
  33. crlibm < "0.3"
  34. cucumber
  35. dedent >= "v0.17.0"
  36. expect_test_helpers_core >= "v0.17.0"
  37. FPauth
  38. FPauth-core
  39. FPauth-responses
  40. FPauth-strategies
  41. farith
  42. feather_async
  43. fftw3 >= "0.8" & < "0.8.2"
  44. fieldslib >= "v0.17.0"
  45. flow_parser >= "0.159.0"
  46. fontforge-of-ocaml
  47. fpath-base
  48. freetds = "0.6"
  49. GT >= "0.4.0" & < "0.5.2"
  50. gammu >= "0.9.4"
  51. gel
  52. gobject-introspection
  53. gsl >= "1.22.0" & < "1.24.3"
  54. h1_parser
  55. hacl
  56. hardcaml >= "v0.17.0"
  57. hardcaml_axi >= "v0.17.0"
  58. hardcaml_circuits >= "v0.17.0"
  59. hardcaml_fixed_point >= "v0.17.0"
  60. hardcaml_handshake >= "v0.17.0"
  61. hardcaml_of_verilog >= "v0.17.0"
  62. hardcaml_step_testbench >= "v0.17.0"
  63. hardcaml_verify >= "v0.17.0"
  64. hardcaml_waveterm >= "v0.17.0"
  65. hardcaml_xilinx >= "v0.17.0"
  66. hardcaml_xilinx_components >= "v0.17.0"
  67. hardcaml_xilinx_reports >= "v0.17.0"
  68. higher_kinded >= "v0.17.0"
  69. idds
  70. influxdb
  71. influxdb-async
  72. influxdb-lwt
  73. inquire < "0.2.0"
  74. int_repr >= "v0.17.0"
  75. jane_rope >= "v0.17.0"
  76. jsonaf >= "v0.17.0"
  77. jst-config >= "v0.17.0"
  78. lbfgs = "0.9"
  79. learn-ocaml >= "0.12"
  80. learn-ocaml-client
  81. libsvm >= "0.9.4"
  82. lilac
  83. liquid_interpreter
  84. liquid_ml
  85. liquid_parser
  86. liquid_std
  87. liquid_syntax
  88. logical < "0.3.0"
  89. mesh-triangle >= "0.9.3" & < "0.9.5"
  90. mmdb >= "0.3.0"
  91. monorobot
  92. n_ary >= "v0.17.0"
  93. neural_nets_lib
  94. non_empty_list
  95. numeric_string >= "v0.17.0"
  96. nuscr < "2.0.0"
  97. obeam >= "0.1.0"
  98. ocaml-lsp-server >= "1.18.0~5.2preview"
  99. ocamlformat >= "0.14.3" & < "0.20.0" | >= "0.21.0" & < "0.23.0"
  100. ocamlformat-lib
  101. ocamlformat-mlx-lib
  102. ocamlformat-rpc < "0.20.0"
  103. opine
  104. ordinal_abbreviation >= "v0.17.0"
  105. owl >= "0.3.7"
  106. pa_ppx = "0.03"
  107. parsexp_io >= "v0.17.0"
  108. patience_diff >= "v0.17.0"
  109. pcre >= "7.3.0" & < "7.4.6"
  110. posixat >= "v0.17.0"
  111. ppx-owl-opt
  112. ppx_accessor >= "v0.17.0"
  113. ppx_assert >= "v0.17.0"
  114. ppx_bin_prot >= "v0.17.0"
  115. ppx_cold >= "v0.17.0"
  116. ppx_compare >= "v0.17.0"
  117. ppx_conv_func >= "v0.17.0"
  118. ppx_csv_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  119. ppx_custom_printf >= "v0.17.0"
  120. ppx_derive_at_runtime >= "v0.17.0"
  121. ppx_deriving_protocol < "0.8.1"
  122. ppx_deriving_rpc = "7.2.0"
  123. ppx_diff
  124. ppx_disable_unused_warnings >= "v0.17.0"
  125. ppx_enumerate >= "v0.17.0"
  126. ppx_expect >= "v0.17.0"
  127. ppx_fields_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  128. ppx_fixed_literal >= "v0.17.0"
  129. ppx_globalize >= "v0.17.0"
  130. ppx_hardcaml >= "v0.17.0"
  131. ppx_hash >= "v0.17.0"
  132. ppx_here >= "v0.17.0"
  133. ppx_inline_test >= "v0.17.0"
  134. ppx_js_style >= "v0.17.0"
  135. ppx_jsonaf_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  136. ppx_let >= "v0.17.0"
  137. ppx_log >= "v0.17.0"
  138. ppx_mica
  139. ppx_module_timer >= "v0.17.0"
  140. ppx_open
  141. ppx_optcomp >= "v0.17.0"
  142. ppx_optional >= "v0.17.0"
  143. ppx_partial
  144. ppx_pattern_bind >= "v0.17.0"
  145. ppx_protocol_conv >= "5.2.2"
  146. ppx_protocol_conv_json < "3.1.0"
  147. ppx_protocol_conv_msgpack < "3.1.0"
  148. ppx_protocol_conv_xml_light < "3.1.0"
  149. ppx_protocol_conv_yaml < "3.1.0"
  150. ppx_python >= "v0.17.0"
  151. ppx_quick_test
  152. ppx_sexp_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  153. ppx_sexp_message >= "v0.17.0"
  154. ppx_sexp_value >= "v0.17.0"
  155. ppx_stable >= "v0.17.0"
  156. ppx_stable_witness >= "v0.17.0"
  157. ppx_string >= "v0.17.0"
  158. ppx_string_conv
  159. ppx_tydi >= "v0.17.0"
  160. ppx_typed_fields >= "v0.17.0"
  161. ppx_typerep_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  162. ppx_variants_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  163. ppx_xml_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  164. ppx_yojson_conv >= "v0.17.0"
  165. ppxlib != "0.14.0" & < "0.28.0"
  166. profunctor >= "v0.17.0"
  167. provider < "0.0.9"
  168. psyche
  169. pyre-ast
  170. range >= "0.6"
  171. re_parser >= "v0.17.0"
  172. record_builder >= "v0.17.0"
  173. regex_parser_intf >= "v0.17.0"
  174. reparse = "2.1.0"
  175. routes >= "2.0.0"
  176. SZXX >= "4.1.0"
  177. safemoney >= "0.2.0"
  178. secp256k1 >= "0.2.5"
  179. session-cookie
  180. session-cookie-lwt
  181. sexp_pretty >= "v0.17.0"
  182. sexp_select >= "v0.17.0"
  183. speed
  184. spin >= "0.6.0" & < "0.8.0"
  185. splittable_random >= "v0.17.0"
  186. sqlite3 >= "4.2.0" & < "4.4.1"
  187. stdio >= "v0.17.0"
  188. streamable >= "v0.17.0"
  189. string_dict >= "v0.17.0"
  190. swipl
  191. tablecloth-base >= "0.0.10"
  192. tablecloth-native < "0.0.8"
  193. tensorflow >= "0.0.11"
  194. tilde_f >= "v0.17.0"
  195. time_now >= "v0.17.0"
  196. timmy
  197. timmy-unix >= "1.1.5"
  198. topological_sort >= "v0.17.0"
  199. torch < "0.5" | >= "v0.17.0"
  200. tqdm
  201. twostep
  202. typerep >= "v0.17.0"
  203. uopt
  204. variantslib >= "v0.17.0"
  205. virtual_dom >= "v0.17.0"
  206. wseg
  207. yosqlite
  208. zanuda
  209. zmq-async
  210. zmq-eio
  211. zmq-lwt < "5.1.0"




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