package rfsm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module DepG : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. m_name : string;
  2. m_fsms : Fsm.inst list;
  3. m_inputs : (string * global) list;
  4. m_outputs : (string * global) list;
  5. m_types : (string * Types.typ) list;
  6. m_fns : (string * global) list;
  7. m_consts : (string * global) list;
  8. m_shared : (string * global) list;
  9. m_deps : dependencies;
and global = Types.typ * mg_desc
and mg_desc =
  1. | MInp of Global.stim_desc * string list
  2. | MOutp of string list
  3. | MFun of string list * Expr.t
  4. | MConst of Expr.value
  5. | MShared of string list * string list
and dependencies = {
  1. md_graph : DepG.t;
  2. md_node : string -> DepG.V.t;
exception Illegal_const_expr of Expr.t
val build : name:string -> ?gtyps:(string * Types.typ) list -> ?gfns:(string * global) list -> ?gcsts:(string * global) list -> Fsm.inst list -> t
val dot_output : string -> ?dot_options:Utils.Dot.graph_style list -> ?fsm_options:Fsm.dot_options list -> ?with_insts:bool -> ?with_models:bool -> t -> string list
val dump : out_channel -> t -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.