package rfsm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. f_static : Fsm.inst;
  2. f_vars : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  3. f_state : string;
  4. f_has_reacted : bool;
type lenv = (string * Expr.value) list
type genv = {
  1. fe_inputs : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  2. fe_csts : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  3. fe_fns : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  4. fe_vars : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  5. fe_evs : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
val create : Fsm.inst -> t
type event = loc * Expr.value
and loc =
  1. | LVar of Ident.t
  2. | LArrInd of Ident.t * int
  3. | LRField of Ident.t * string
exception IllegalTrans of t * string
exception IllegalAction of t * Action.t
exception Undeterminate of t * string *
exception NonDetTrans of t * Fsm.transition list *
exception NonAtomicIoWrite of t * Action.t
val fireable : t -> lenv -> Fsm.Repr.transition -> bool
val check_cond : t -> lenv -> Condition.t -> bool
val is_event_set : lenv -> Condition.event -> bool
val init : genv -> t -> t * event list
val react : -> genv -> t -> t * event list

Innovation. Community. Security.