Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Base types and utilities.
module SMap : sig ... end
module SSet : sig ... end
module J = J
type error = J.error = ..
val error : J.error -> 'a
exception Error of J.error
val is_iri : [> `String of string ] J.ranged -> bool
type error +=
| Bad_iri of string * string
| Colliding_keywords of string
| Conflicting_indexes of J.json
| Cyclic_iri_mapping of bool SMap.t
| Expanded_graph_bad_result of J.json
| Expanded_list_bad_result of J.json
| Invalid_base_direction of J.json
| Invalid_base_iri of J.json
| Invalid_blank_node_id of J.json
| Invalid_container_mapping of J.json
| Invalid_context_entry of string
| Invalid_context_nullification of J.range option
| Invalid_default_language of J.json
| Invalid_expanded_json of J.json
| Invalid_id_value of J.json
| Invalid_import of J.json
| Invalid_included_value of J.json
| Invalid_index_value of J.json
| Invalid_iri_mapping of J.json
| Invalid_json_literal of string
| Invalid_keyword_alias of string * string
| Invalid_language_map_value of J.json
| Invalid_language_mapping of J.json
| Invalid_language_tagged_string of J.json
| Invalid_language_tagged_value of J.json
| Invalid_local_context of J.range option
| Invalid_nest_value of J.json
| Invalid_prefix_value of J.json
| Invalid_propagate_value of J.json
| Invalid_protected_value of J.json
| Invalid_remote_context of Iri.t * string
| Invalid_reverse_property
| Invalid_reverse_property_map
| Invalid_reverse_property_value of J.json
| Invalid_reverse_value of J.json
| Invalid_scoped_context
| Invalid_set_or_list_object of J.json
| Invalid_subject of Rdf.Term.term
| Invalid_term_definition of string
| Invalid_term_definition_value of J.json
| Invalid_type of Rdf.Term.term
| Invalid_type_mapping of J.json
| Invalid_type_mapping_value of J.json
| Invalid_type_value of J.json
| Invalid_typed_value of J.json
| Invalid_value_object_value of J.json
| Invalid_value_object of J.json
| Invalid_version of J.json
| Invalid_vocab_mapping of string
| Iri_get of Iri.t * string
| Keyword_redefinition of string
| Loading_remote_context_failed of Iri.t * string
| Processing_mode_conflict
| Protected_term_redefinition of string
val string_of_error : error -> string
val code_of_error : error -> string
val rdf_direction_of_string : string -> rdf_direction
val string_of_rdf_direction : rdf_direction -> string
type options = {
base : string option;
compact_arrays : bool;
compact_to_relative : bool;
document_loader : Iri.t -> (string, exn) Stdlib.result Lwt.t;
expand_context : [ `Json of J.json | `Iri of Iri.t ] option;
extract_all_scripts : bool;
frame_expansion : bool;
ordered : bool;
processing_mode : string;
produce_generalized_rdf : bool;
rdf_direction : rdf_direction option;
use_native_types : bool;
use_rdf_type : bool;
val options :
?base:string ->
?compact_arrays:bool ->
?compact_to_relative:bool ->
?expand_context:[ `Iri of Iri.t | `Json of J.json ] ->
?extract_all_scripts:bool ->
?frame_expansion:bool ->
?ordered:bool ->
?processing_mode:string ->
?produce_generalized_rdf:bool ->
?rdf_direction:rdf_direction ->
?use_native_types:bool ->
?use_rdf_type:bool ->
(Iri.t -> (string, exn) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) ->
val keywords : SSet.t
val keyword_re : Re.re
val has_keyword_form : [> `String of string ] J.ranged -> bool
val str_is_kw : SSet.elt -> bool
val is_kw_ : string -> J.json -> bool
val is_kw_id : J.json -> bool
val is_kw_json : J.json -> bool
val is_kw_none : J.json -> bool
val is_kw_value : J.json -> bool
val is_kw_vocab : J.json -> bool
val is_blank_node_id : [> `String of string ] J.ranged -> bool
val load_remote_json :
(Iri.t -> (string, exn) Stdlib.Result.t Lwt.t) ->
Iri.t ->
J.json Lwt.t