package rdf_json_ld

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Deserialization from JSON-LD.

module L = Log
module Log = L
val max_xsd_int : float
exception Null
val canonize_double_string : string -> string
val datatype_of_json : [> `List of 'a list | `String of string ] J.ranged as 'a -> Iri.t option
val object_to_rdf : T.options -> Rdf.Graph.graph -> Rdf_json_ld.T.J.json -> (Rdf.Term.term * (Rdf.Term.term * Iri.t * Rdf.Term.term) list) option
val jsonld_to_rdf : T.options -> Flatten.node_map -> Rdf.Ds.dataset -> unit
val to_rdf : T.options -> Rdf_json_ld.T.J.json -> Rdf.Graph.graph -> (Rdf.Ds.dataset * Iri.t option) Lwt.t

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