package rdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error =
  1. | Parse_error of Rdf_loc.loc * string
  2. | Value_error of Rdf_dt.error
  3. | Eval_error of Rdf_sparql_eval.error
  4. | Algebra_error of Rdf_sparql_algebra.error
  5. | Not_select
  6. | Not_ask
  7. | Not_construct
  8. | Not_describe
exception Error of error
val string_of_error : error -> string
val parse_from_string : string -> query
val parse_from_file : string -> query
val string_of_query : query -> string
type solution
val get_term : solution -> string -> Rdf_node.node
val is_bound : solution -> string -> bool
val solution_fold : (string -> Rdf_node.node -> 'a -> 'a) -> solution -> 'a -> 'a
val solution_iter : (string -> Rdf_node.node -> unit) -> solution -> unit
type query_result =
  1. | Bool of bool
  2. | Solutions of solution list
  3. | Graph of Rdf_graph.graph
val execute : ?graph:Rdf_graph.graph -> base:Rdf_uri.uri -> Rdf_ds.dataset -> query -> query_result
val select : base:Rdf_uri.uri -> Rdf_ds.dataset -> query -> solution list
val construct : ?graph:Rdf_graph.graph -> base:Rdf_uri.uri -> Rdf_ds.dataset -> query -> Rdf_graph.graph
val ask : base:Rdf_uri.uri -> Rdf_ds.dataset -> query -> bool
val describe : ?graph:Rdf_graph.graph -> base:Rdf_uri.uri -> Rdf_ds.dataset -> query -> Rdf_graph.graph
type uri_fun = Rdf_dt.value list -> Rdf_dt.value
val uri_funs : unit -> uri_fun Rdf_uri.Urimap.t
val add_uri_fun : Rdf_uri.uri -> uri_fun -> unit

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