package rdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type error =
  1. | Type_error of value * string
  2. | Invalid_literal of Rdf_node.literal
  3. | Exception of exn
and value =
  1. | Err of error
  2. | Blank of string
  3. | Iri of Rdf_uri.uri
  4. | String of string
  5. | Int of int
  6. | Float of float
  7. | Bool of bool
  8. | Datetime of Netdate.t
  9. | Ltrl of string * string option
  10. | Ltrdt of string * Rdf_uri.uri
exception Error of error
val error : error -> 'a
val date_fmt : string
val string_of_value : value -> string
module ValueOrdered : sig ... end
module VMap : sig ... end
module VSet : sig ... end
val string_of_error : error -> string
val iri : Rdf_uri.uri -> value -> value
val datatype : value -> value
val string_literal : value -> string * string option
val string : value -> value
val int : value -> value
val float : value -> value
val bool : value -> value
val datetime : value -> value
val ltrl : value -> value
val numeric : value -> value
val of_literal : Rdf_node.literal -> value
val of_node : Rdf_node.node -> value
val to_node : value -> Rdf_node.node

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