package pythonlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Ppx_python_runtime end
val python_of_bool : bool -> Pytypes.pyobject
val bool_of_python : Pytypes.pyobject -> bool
val python_of_int : int -> Pytypes.pyobject
val int_of_python : Pytypes.pyobject -> int
val python_of_float : float -> Pytypes.pyobject
val float_of_python : Pytypes.pyobject -> float
val python_of_string : string -> Pytypes.pyobject
val string_of_python : Pytypes.pyobject -> string
val python_of_array : ('a -> Pytypes.pyobject) -> 'a array -> Pytypes.pyobject
val array_of_python : (Pytypes.pyobject -> 'a) -> Pytypes.pyobject -> 'a array
val python_of_list : ('a -> Pytypes.pyobject) -> 'a list -> Pytypes.pyobject
val list_of_python : (Pytypes.pyobject -> 'a) -> Pytypes.pyobject -> 'a list
val python_of_option : ('a -> Pytypes.pyobject) -> 'a option -> Pytypes.pyobject
val option_of_python : (Pytypes.pyobject -> 'a) -> Pytypes.pyobject -> 'a option
module Dict_str_keys = Ppx_python_runtime.Dict_str_keys
exception Not_found_s of Base.Sexp.t
type pyobject = Pytypes.pyobject
val python_of_pyobject : 'a -> 'a
val pyobject_of_python : 'a -> 'a
val py_list_to_container_map_safe : (Py.Object.t -> 'a) -> Py.Object.t -> container_init:(int -> f:(int -> 'a) -> 'b) -> 'b
val py_list_to_list_map_safe : (Py.Object.t -> 'a) -> Py.Object.t -> 'a Base.List.t
val py_list_to_array_map_safe : (Py.Object.t -> 'a) -> Py.Object.t -> 'a Base.Array.t
module Of_pythonable (Pythonable : sig ... end) (Conv : sig ... end) : sig ... end
module Convert_as_string (M : Base.Stringable.S) : sig ... end
val get_class : Py.Object.t -> string Base.Option.t
val value_error : string -> 'a
val value_errorf : ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a
val get_from_builtins : Base.String.t Base.Hashtbl.key -> Py.Object.t
module One_or_tuple : sig ... end
val to_list : Py.Object.t -> Py.Object.t
val iterable_to_list : Py.Object.t -> Py.Object.t Base.Option.t
module One_or_tuple_or_list : sig ... end
module Or_error_python : sig ... end
module One_or_tuple_or_list_or_error : sig ... end
val python_print : string -> Base.unit
val python_printf : ('a, unit, string, Base.unit) format4 -> 'a
val python_eprint : string -> Base.unit
val python_eprintf : ('a, unit, string, Base.unit) format4 -> 'a
val builtins : Py.Object.t lazy_t
val pandas : Py.Object.t Base.Option.t lazy_t
val numpy : Py.Object.t Base.Option.t lazy_t
val datetime : Py.Object.t Base.Option.t lazy_t
val pathlib : Py.Object.t lazy_t
val path_cls : Py.Object.t lazy_t
val pd_series : Py.Object.t Base.Option.t lazy_t
val pd_dataframe : Py.Object.t Base.Option.t lazy_t
module Broadcast : sig ... end
module Class_wrapper : sig ... end
module Defunc : sig ... end
module Gen : sig ... end

This can be used to auto-generated python<->ocaml bindings based on a cmi file.

module Module_env : sig ... end
module Py_module : sig ... end
module Py_typerep : sig ... end
module Type : sig ... end
module Let_syntax : sig ... end

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