package pythonlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val create : ?docstring:Base.string -> Base.string -> t

create ?docstring module_name creates a new python module with the specified name. This module can directly be imported from python.

val module_name : t -> Base.string

module_name t returns the name used to create the module.

val create_with_eval : name:Base.string -> py_source:Base.string -> t

create_with_eval ~name ~py_source creates a new module defined by evaluating py_source which contains some python code.

val import : Base.string -> t

import module_name imports an already existing module.

val set_value : t -> Base.string -> Pytypes.pyobject -> Base.unit

set_value t name obj sets the field name on module t to hold value obj. This can be accessed via in python.

val pyobject : t -> Pytypes.pyobject

pyobject t returns the underlying python object for a module.

val set_function : t -> ?docstring:Base.string -> Base.string -> (Pytypes.pyobject Base.array -> Pytypes.pyobject) -> Base.unit

set_function t ?docstring name fn adds to module t a function named name which evaluates as the fn closure. This only handles positional arguments.

set_function_with_keywords t ?docstring name fn adds to module t a function named name which evaluates as the fn closure. This handles both positional and keyword arguments.

val set : t -> ?docstring:Base.string -> Base.string -> (Base.unit -> Pytypes.pyobject) Defunc.t -> Base.unit

set t ?docstring name fn sets a function on module t named name. This function is defined by defunc fn.

val set_unit : t -> ?docstring:Base.string -> Base.string -> (Base.unit -> Base.unit) Defunc.t -> Base.unit

set_unit is a specialized version of set for function that return unit.

val set_no_arg : t -> ?docstring:Base.string -> Base.string -> (Base.unit -> Pytypes.pyobject) -> Base.unit

set_no_arg t ?docstring name fn sets a function on module t named name. This function does not take any positional or keyword argument.

Helper function to get keywords from a python object. When no keyword is present, null is used; otherwise a python dictionary with string key gets used.

val wrap_ocaml_errors : (Base.unit -> 'a) -> 'a
val raise_py_err_with_backtrace : ?unwrap_more: (Base.exn -> (Caml.Printexc.raw_backtrace Base.list * Base.exn) Base.option) -> ?backtrace:Caml.Printexc.raw_backtrace -> Base.exn -> 'a

Raise a Python exception that will include the OCaml backtrace information as part of the Python exception traceback. unwrap_more can be specified to extract nested exceptions and provide additional backtraces if relevant. Note that unwrap_more exn returning exn would result in an infinite loop.

module Raw : sig ... end

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