package producer
Dune Dependency
Producer is an OCaml library for building values using a monadic dependency graph.
Here's an example:
(** [int_node] provides an integer value to the rest of the graph.
The entire graph takes a "context", which is an input given to each
node when the graph executes. Each graph must use the same context
type for all nodes.
The context type of this graph is [unit].
let int_node: (unit, int) Producer.Node.t =
[] (* This node takes no dependencies *)
(fun () -> 123) (* This node produces the value [123]. *)
(** [string_node] provides the stringified output of [int_node] to the
rest of the graph. *)
let string_node: (unit, int) Producer.Node.t =
[int_node] (* This node depends on [int_node] *)
(fun () n -> string_of_int n) (* [n] is the output of [int_node]. *)
(** [graph] wraps [string_node] and makes it executable. *)
let graph = Producer.Graph.make string_node
(** [graph] can be [execute]d to produce an output. *)
let () = assert (graph.execute () = "123")
This is a flexible way to re-use code -- consider the following example which authenticates a request and provides a "user" type, which can be used by other nodes in the graph directly:
module Producer = Producer.Make(Lwt_result)
let user_producer: (< request: Cohttp.Request.t; .. >, User.t) Producer.Node.t =
Producer.Node.make [] @@ fun context ->
match Authentication.authenticate_request context#request with
| Error _ -> `Not_authenticated
| Ok user -> Lwt_result.return user
let user_profile_producer: (< .. >, Profile.t) Producer.Node.t =
Producer.Node.make [user_producer] @@ fun _context user ->
let (let+) = Lwt.bind in
let+ profile = Database.profile_for_user user in
match profile with
| Error _ -> `Profile_not_found
| Ok profile -> Lwt_result.return user
(* Results from the above nodes are cached -- feel free to re-use them
in other nodes! *)
let produce_response: (< .. >, User_profile_response.t) Producer.Node.t =
Producer.Node.make [user_producer; user_profile_producer] @@
fun _context user profile -> { user; profile }
Each node in the graph is run only once per call to execute
. If multiple nodes depend on a node n
, n
is only called once -- its result is cached and re-used.
Bring your own monad
The Producer.Make
functor accepts any monad for your effects, which are automatically handled when a graph node executes.
Asynchronous monads like Lwt
, Lwt_result
, or Eio.Promise
are a popular choice.
Compile-time satisfiability
Unlike some other graph libraries which depend on reflection to link dependencies at runtime, A producer graph is guaranteed to be satisfied at compile time.
Structurally-typed context
A graph can use an OCaml object as its context, which allows each node to take different context types. OCaml will properly infer the context when executing the graph:
(** [int_node] takes no context (but must be typed as an open object). *)
let int_node : (< .. >, int) Producer.Node.t =
Producer.Node.make [] (fun _ -> 123)
(** [mul_node] needs some multipier value from the context. *)
let mul_node : (< multiplier : int ; .. >, int) Producer.Node.t =
Producer.Node.make [ int_node ] (fun c n -> c#multiplier * n)
(** [string_node] needs some tag value from the context. *)
let string_node : (< tag : string ; .. >, string) Producer.Node.t =
Producer.Node.make [ int_node; mul_node ] (fun c n m ->
Format.sprintf "[%s]: int_node = %d, mul_node = %d" c#tag n m)
(** [execute] is inferred to require all of the structurally typed context
dependencies above -- it's a compilation error to provide an object which
does not have all of the below methods! *)
let actual = (Producer.Graph.make string_node).execute (object
method multiplier = 10
method tag = "TAG"
let () = assert (actual = "[TAG]: int_node = 123, mul_node = 1230")