package alcotest

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Alcotest is a lightweight and colourful test framework


Dune Dependency






Alcotest exposes simple interface to perform unit tests. It exposes a simple TESTABLE module type, a check function to assert test predicates and a run function to perform a list of unit -> unit test callbacks.

Alcotest provides a quiet and colorful output where only faulty runs are fully displayed at the end of the run (with the full logs ready to inspect), with a simple (yet expressive) query language to select the tests to run.

Published: 25 Jul 2024


A lightweight and colourful test framework.

Alcotest exposes a simple interface to perform unit tests. It exposes a simple TESTABLE module type, a check function to assert test predicates and a run function to perform a list of unit -> unit test callbacks.

Alcotest provides a quiet and colorful output where only faulty runs are fully displayed at the end of the run (with the full logs ready to inspect), with a simple (yet expressive) query language to select the tests to run. See the manpage for details.

The API documentation can be found here. For information on contributing to Alcotest, see


A simple example (taken from examples/

Generated by the following test suite specification:

(* Build with `ocamlbuild -pkg alcotest simple.byte` *)

(* A module with functions to test *)
module To_test = struct
  let lowercase = String.lowercase_ascii
  let capitalize = String.capitalize_ascii
  let str_concat = String.concat ""
  let list_concat = List.append

(* The tests *)
let test_lowercase () =
  Alcotest.(check string) "same string" "hello!" (To_test.lowercase "hELLO!")

let test_capitalize () =
  Alcotest.(check string) "same string" "World." (To_test.capitalize "world.")

let test_str_concat () =
  Alcotest.(check string) "same string" "foobar" (To_test.str_concat ["foo"; "bar"])

let test_list_concat () =
  Alcotest.(check (list int)) "same lists" [1; 2; 3] (To_test.list_concat [1] [2; 3])

(* Run it *)
let () =
  let open Alcotest in
  run "Utils" [
      "string-case", [
          test_case "Lower case"     `Quick test_lowercase;
          test_case "Capitalization" `Quick test_capitalize;
      "string-concat", [ test_case "String mashing" `Quick test_str_concat  ];
      "list-concat",   [ test_case "List mashing"   `Slow  test_list_concat ];

The result is a self-contained binary which displays the test results. Use dune exec examples/simple.exe -- --help to see the runtime options.

Here's an example of a of failing test suite:

By default, only the first failing test log is printed to the console (and all test logs are captured on disk). Pass --show-errors to print all error messages.

Using Alcotest with opam and Dune

Add (alcotest :with-test) to the depends stanza of your dune-project file, or "alcotest" {with-test} to your opam file. Use the with-test package variable to declare your tests opam dependencies. Call opam to install them:

$ opam install --deps-only --with-test .

You can then declare your test and link with Alcotest: (test (libraries alcotest …) …), and run your tests:

$ dune runtest

Selecting tests to execute

You can filter which tests to run by supplying a regular expression matching the names of the tests to execute, or by passing a regular expression and a comma-separated list of test numbers (or ranges of test numbers, e.g. 2,4..9):

$ ./simple.native test '.*concat*'
Testing Utils.
[SKIP]     string-case            0   Lower case.
[SKIP]     string-case            1   Capitalization.
[OK]       string-concat          0   String mashing.
[OK]       list-concat            0   List mashing.
The full test results are available in `_build/_tests`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 2 tests run.

$ ./simple.native test 'string-case' '1..3'
Testing Utils.
[SKIP]     string-case            0   Lower case.
[OK]       string-case            1   Capitalization.
[SKIP]     string-concat          0   String mashing.
[SKIP]     list-concat            0   List mashing.
The full test results are available in `_build/_tests`.
Test Successful in 0.000s. 1 test run.

Note that you cannot filter by test case name (i.e. Lower case or Capitalization), you must filter by test name & number instead.

See the examples directory for more examples.

Quick and Slow tests

In general you should use `Quick tests: tests that are ran on any invocations of the test suite. You should only use `Slow tests for stress tests that are ran only on occasion (typically before a release or after a major change). These slow tests can be suppressed by passing the -q flag on the command line, e.g.:

$ ./test.exe -q # run only the quick tests
$ ./test.exe    # run quick and slow tests

Passing custom options to the tests

In most cases, the base tests are unit -> unit functions. However, it is also possible to pass an extra option to all the test functions by using 'a -> unit, where 'a is the type of the extra parameter.

In order to do this, you need to specify how this extra parameter is read on the command-line, by providing a Cmdliner term for command-line arguments which explains how to parse and serialize values of type 'a (note: do not use positional arguments, only optional arguments are supported).

For instance:

let test_nice i = Alcotest.(check int) "Is it a nice integer?" i 42

let int =
  let doc = "What is your preferred number?" in
  Cmdliner.Arg.(required & opt (some int) None & info ["n"] ~doc ~docv:"NUM")

let () =
  Alcotest.run_with_args "foo" int [
    "all", ["nice", `Quick, test_nice]

Will generate test.exe such that:

$ test.exe test
test.exe: required option -n is missing

$ test.exe test -n 42
Testing foo.
[OK]                all          0   int.


Alcotest provides an Alcotest_lwt module that you could use to wrap Lwt test cases. The basic idea is that instead of providing a test function in the form unit -> unit, you provide one with the type unit -> unit Lwt.t and alcotest-lwt calls for you.

However, there are a couple of extra features:

  • If an async exception occurs, it will cancel your test case for you and fail it (rather than exiting the process).

  • You get given a switch, which will be turned off when the test case finishes (or fails). You can use that to free up any resources.

For instance:

let free () = print_endline "freeing all resources"; Lwt.return ()

let test_lwt switch () =
  Lwt_switch.add_hook (Some switch) free;
  Lwt.async (fun () -> failwith "All is broken");
  Lwt_unix.sleep 10.

let () = @@ "foo" [
    "all", [
      Alcotest_lwt.test_case "one" `Quick test_lwt

Will generate:

$ test.exe
Testing foo.
[ERROR]             all          0   one.
-- all.000 [one.] Failed --
in _build/_tests/all.000.output:
freeing all resources
[failure] All is broken

Comparison with other testing frameworks

The README is pretty clear about that:

Alcotest is the only testing framework using colors!

More seriously, Alcotest is similar to ounit but it fixes a few of the problems found in that library:

  • Alcotest has a nicer output, it is easier to see what failed and what succeeded and to read the log outputs of the failed tests;

  • Alcotest uses combinators to define pretty-printers and comparators between the things to test.

Other nice tools doing different kind of testing also exist:

  • qcheck does random generation and property testing (e.g. Quick Check);

  • crowbar and bun are similar to qcheck, but use compiler-directed randomness, i.e. they take advantage of the AFL support the OCaml compiler;

  • ppx_inline_tests allows to write tests in the same file as your source-code; they will be run only in a special mode of compilation.

Dependencies (9)

  1. ocaml-syntax-shims
  2. uutf >= "1.0.1"
  3. stdlib-shims
  4. re >= "1.7.2"
  5. cmdliner >= "1.2.0"
  6. astring
  7. fmt >= "0.8.7"
  8. ocaml >= "4.08"
  9. dune >= "3.0"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. odoc with-doc

  1. ahrocksdb
  2. albatross >= "1.5.0"
  3. alcotest-async < "1.0.0" | >= "1.8.0"
  4. alcotest-js >= "1.8.0"
  5. alcotest-lwt < "1.0.0" | >= "1.8.0"
  6. alcotest-mirage >= "1.8.0"
  7. alg_structs_qcheck
  8. algaeff
  9. ambient-context
  10. ambient-context-eio
  11. ambient-context-lwt
  12. angstrom >= "0.7.0"
  13. ansi >= "0.6.0"
  14. anycache >= "0.7.4"
  15. anycache-async
  16. anycache-lwt
  17. archetype >= "1.4.2"
  18. archi
  19. arp != "2.3.1"
  20. arp-mirage < "2.0.0"
  21. arrakis
  22. art
  23. asai
  24. asak >= "0.2"
  25. asli >= "0.2.0"
  26. asn1-combinators >= "0.2.2"
  27. atd >= "2.3.3"
  28. atdgen >= "2.10.0"
  29. atdpy
  30. atdts
  31. backoff
  32. base32
  33. base64 >= "2.1.2" & < "3.2.0" | >= "3.4.0"
  34. bastet
  35. bastet_lwt
  36. bech32
  37. bechamel >= "0.5.0"
  38. bigarray-overlap
  39. bigstringaf
  40. bitlib
  41. blake2
  42. bloomf
  43. bls12-381 < "0.4.1" | >= "3.0.0" & < "18.0"
  44. bls12-381-hash
  45. bls12-381-js >= "0.4.2"
  46. bls12-381-js-gen >= "0.4.2"
  47. bls12-381-legacy
  48. bls12-381-signature
  49. bls12-381-unix
  50. blurhash
  51. builder-web
  52. bulletml
  53. bytebuffer
  54. ca-certs
  55. ca-certs-nss
  56. cachet
  57. cachet-lwt
  58. cachet-solo5
  59. cactus
  60. caldav
  61. calendar >= "3.0.0"
  62. callipyge
  63. camlix
  64. camlkit
  65. camlkit-base
  66. capnp-rpc
  67. capnp-rpc-lwt < "0.3"
  68. capnp-rpc-mirage >= "0.9.0"
  69. capnp-rpc-unix >= "0.9.0"
  70. caqti >= "1.7.0"
  71. caqti-async >= "1.7.0"
  72. caqti-driver-mariadb >= "1.7.0"
  73. caqti-driver-postgresql >= "1.7.0"
  74. caqti-driver-sqlite3 >= "1.7.0"
  75. caqti-dynload >= "2.0.1"
  76. caqti-eio
  77. caqti-lwt >= "1.7.0"
  78. carray
  79. carton
  80. carton-git
  81. carton-lwt >= "0.4.1"
  82. catala >= "0.6.0"
  83. cborl
  84. ccss >= "1.6"
  85. cf-lwt
  86. chacha
  87. chamelon
  88. chamelon-unix
  89. channel
  90. charrua-client
  91. charrua-client-lwt
  92. charrua-client-mirage < "0.11.0"
  93. charrua-server >= "1.4.1"
  94. checked_oint
  95. checkseum >= "0.0.3"
  96. cid
  97. clarity-lang
  98. class_group_vdf
  99. cohttp >= "0.17.0"
  100. cohttp-curl-async
  101. cohttp-curl-lwt
  102. cohttp-eio >= "6.0.0~beta2"
  103. colombe >= "0.2.0"
  104. color
  105. commons
  106. conan
  107. conan-cli
  108. conan-database
  109. conan-lwt
  110. conan-unix
  111. conex < "0.10.0"
  112. conex-mirage-crypto
  113. conex-nocrypto
  114. conformist
  115. cookie
  116. corosync
  117. cow >= "2.2.0"
  118. css
  119. css-parser
  120. cstruct >= "3.3.0"
  121. cstruct-sexp
  122. ctypes-zarith
  123. cuid
  124. curly
  125. current >= "0.4"
  126. current-albatross-deployer
  127. current_git >= "0.6.4"
  128. current_incr
  129. cwe_checker
  130. data-encoding
  131. datakit >= "0.12.0"
  132. datakit-bridge-github >= "0.12.0"
  133. datakit-ci
  134. datakit-client-git >= "0.12.0"
  135. dates_calc
  136. decimal >= "0.3.0"
  137. decompress >= "0.8"
  138. depyt
  139. digestif >= "0.8.1"
  140. dirsp-exchange-kbb2017
  141. dirsp-proscript-mirage
  142. dirsp-ps2ocaml
  143. dispatch >= "0.4.1"
  144. dkim
  145. dkim-bin
  146. dkim-mirage
  147. dkml-dune-dsl-show
  148. dkml-install
  149. dkml-install-installer
  150. dkml-install-runner
  151. dkml-package-console
  152. dns >= "4.0.0"
  153. dns-cli
  154. dns-client >= "4.6.0"
  155. dns-forward < "0.9.0"
  156. dns-forward-lwt-unix
  157. dns-resolver
  158. dns-server
  159. dns-tsig
  160. dnssd
  161. dnssec
  162. docfd >= "2.2.0"
  163. dockerfile >= "8.2.2"
  164. dog < "0.2.1"
  165. domain-local-await >= "0.2.1"
  166. domain-local-timeout
  167. domain-name
  168. dot-merlin-reader = "5.3~5.3preview"
  169. dream
  170. dream-htmx
  171. dream-pure
  172. dscheck >= "0.1.1"
  173. duff
  174. dune-release >= "1.0.0"
  175. duration >= "0.1.1"
  176. eio < "0.12"
  177. eio_linux
  178. eio_windows
  179. emile
  180. encore
  181. eqaf >= "0.5"
  182. equinoxe
  183. equinoxe-cohttp
  184. equinoxe-hlc
  185. ezgzip
  186. ezjsonm >= "0.4.2"
  187. ezjsonm-lwt
  188. FPauth
  189. FPauth-core
  190. FPauth-responses
  191. FPauth-strategies
  192. faraday != "0.2.0"
  193. farfadet
  194. fat-filesystem >= "0.12.0"
  195. ff
  196. ff-pbt
  197. flex-array
  198. fsevents-lwt
  199. functoria >= "2.2.0"
  200. functoria-runtime >= "2.2.0" & < "3.0.1" | = "3.1.2"
  201. geojson
  202. geoml >= "0.1.1"
  203. git = "1.4.10" | = "1.5.0" | >= "1.5.2" & != "1.10.0"
  204. git-cohttp
  205. git-cohttp-mirage
  206. git-cohttp-unix
  207. git-kv >= "0.1.0"
  208. git-mirage
  209. git-split
  210. git-unix >= "1.10.0" & != "2.1.0"
  211. gitlab-unix
  212. glicko2
  213. gmap >= "0.3.0"
  214. gobba
  215. gpt
  216. graphql
  217. graphql-async
  218. graphql-cohttp >= "0.13.0"
  219. graphql-lwt
  220. graphql_parser != "0.11.0"
  221. graphql_ppx >= "0.7.1"
  222. h1
  223. h1_parser
  224. h2
  225. hacl
  226. hacl-star >= "0.6.0"
  227. hacl_func
  228. hacl_x25519 >= "0.2.0"
  229. highlexer
  230. hkdf
  231. hockmd
  232. html_of_jsx
  233. http
  234. http-multipart-formdata < "2.0.0"
  235. httpaf >= "0.2.0"
  236. httpcats
  237. httpun
  238. httpun-ws
  239. hvsock
  240. icalendar >= "0.1.4"
  241. imagelib >= "20200929"
  242. index
  243. inferno >= "20220603"
  244. influxdb-async
  245. influxdb-lwt
  246. inquire < "0.2.0"
  247. interval-map
  248. iomux
  249. irmin < "0.8.0" | >= "0.9.6" & != "0.11.1" & < "1.0.0" | >= "2.0.0" & != "2.3.0"
  250. irmin-bench >= "2.7.0"
  251. irmin-chunk < "1.3.0" | >= "2.3.0"
  252. irmin-cli
  253. irmin-containers
  254. irmin-fs < "1.3.0" | >= "2.3.0"
  255. irmin-git < "2.0.0" | >= "2.3.0"
  256. irmin-graphql >= "2.3.0"
  257. irmin-http < "2.0.0"
  258. irmin-mem < "1.3.0" | >= "2.3.0"
  259. irmin-pack >= "2.4.0" & != "2.6.1"
  260. irmin-pack-tools
  261. irmin-test >= "2.2.0" & < "3.4.0" | >= "3.9.0"
  262. irmin-tezos
  263. irmin-tezos-utils
  264. irmin-unix >= "1.0.0" & < "1.3.3" | >= "2.4.0" & != "2.6.1"
  265. irmin-watcher != "0.3.0"
  266. jekyll-format
  267. jerboa
  268. jitsu
  269. jose
  270. json-data-encoding >= "0.9"
  271. json_decoder
  272. jsonxt
  273. junit_alcotest
  274. jwto
  275. kcas >= "0.6.0"
  276. kcas_data >= "0.6.0"
  277. kdf
  278. ke >= "0.2"
  279. kkmarkdown
  280. kmt
  281. lambda-runtime
  282. lambda_streams
  283. lambda_streams_async
  284. lambdapi >= "2.0.0"
  285. lambdoc >= "1.0-beta4"
  286. ledgerwallet-tezos >= "0.2.1" & < "0.4.0"
  287. letters
  288. lmdb >= "1.0"
  289. lockfree >= "0.3.1"
  290. logical
  291. logtk >= "1.6"
  292. lp
  293. lp-glpk
  294. lp-glpk-js
  295. lp-gurobi
  296. lru
  297. lt-code
  298. luv
  299. mazeppa
  300. mbr-format >= "1.0.0"
  301. mdx >= "1.6.0"
  302. mec
  303. mechaml = "1.0.0" | >= "1.2.1"
  304. merge-queues >= "0.2.0"
  305. merge-ropes >= "0.2.0"
  306. merlin >= "4.17.1-414" & < "4.18-414" | >= "5.2.1-502" & < "5.3-502"
  307. merlin-lib >= "4.17.1-414" & < "5.0-502" | >= "5.2.1-502"
  308. metrics
  309. middleware
  310. mimic
  311. minicaml = "0.3.1" | >= "0.4"
  312. mirage >= "4.0.0~beta1"
  313. mirage-block-partition
  314. mirage-block-ramdisk = "0.3"
  315. mirage-channel >= "4.0.1"
  316. mirage-channel-lwt < "3.1.0"
  317. mirage-crypto-ec >= "0.10.0"
  318. mirage-flow >= "1.0.2" & < "1.2.0"
  319. mirage-flow-unix != "1.3.0" & < "1.5.0" | >= "3.0.0"
  320. mirage-fs-mem
  321. mirage-fs-unix >= "1.2.0" & < "1.4.1"
  322. mirage-kv >= "2.0.0"
  323. mirage-kv-mem
  324. mirage-kv-unix >= "3.0.0"
  325. mirage-logs >= "0.3.0"
  326. mirage-nat
  327. mirage-net-unix >= "2.3.0"
  328. mirage-runtime >= "4.0.0~beta1" & < "4.5.0"
  329. mirage-tc
  330. mirage-vnetif-stack
  331. mjson
  332. mmdb < "0.3.0"
  333. mnd
  334. mqtt >= "0.2.2"
  335. mrmime >= "0.2.0"
  336. mrt-format
  337. msgpck >= "1.6"
  338. mssql >= "2.0.3"
  339. multibase
  340. multicore-magic >= "1.0.1"
  341. multihash
  342. multihash-digestif
  343. multipart-form-data
  344. multipart_form
  345. multipart_form-eio
  346. multipart_form-lwt
  347. named-pipe
  348. nanoid
  349. nbd >= "4.0.3"
  350. nbd-tool
  351. nloge
  352. nocoiner
  353. non_empty_list
  354. OCADml >= "0.6.0"
  355. obatcher
  356. ocaml-index = "1.1"
  357. ocaml-r >= "0.4.0"
  358. ocaml-version >= "3.1.0"
  359. ocamlformat >= "0.13.0" & < "0.25.1"
  360. ocamlformat-lib
  361. ocamlformat-mlx-lib
  362. ocamlformat-rpc < "removed"
  363. ocamline
  364. ocluster
  365. octez-bls12-381-hash
  366. octez-bls12-381-signature
  367. octez-libs
  368. octez-mec
  369. odoc >= "1.4.0" & < "2.1.0"
  370. ohex
  371. oidc
  372. opam-0install
  373. opam-0install-cudf >= "0.5.0"
  374. opam-compiler
  375. opam-file-format >= "2.1.1"
  376. opentelemetry >= "0.6"
  377. opentelemetry-client-cohttp-lwt >= "0.6"
  378. opentelemetry-client-ocurl >= "0.6"
  379. opentelemetry-cohttp-lwt >= "0.6"
  380. opentelemetry-lwt >= "0.6"
  381. opium >= "0.15.0"
  382. opium-graphql
  383. opium-testing
  384. opium_kernel
  385. orewa
  386. orgeat
  387. ortac-core
  388. osnap < "0.3.0"
  389. osx-acl
  390. osx-attr
  391. osx-cf
  392. osx-fsevents
  393. osx-membership
  394. osx-mount
  395. osx-xattr
  396. otoggl
  397. owl >= "0.6.0" & != "0.9.0" & != "1.0.0"
  398. owl-base < "0.5.0"
  399. owl-ode >= "0.1.0" & != "0.2.0"
  400. owl-symbolic
  401. par_incr
  402. passmaker
  403. patch
  404. pbkdf
  405. pecu >= "0.2"
  406. pf-qubes
  407. pg_query >= "0.9.6"
  408. pgx >= "1.0"
  409. pgx_unix >= "1.0"
  410. pgx_value_core
  411. pgx_value_ptime
  412. phylogenetics
  413. piaf
  414. picos < "0.5.0"
  415. picos_meta
  416. piece_rope
  417. plebeia >= "2.0.0"
  418. polyglot
  419. polynomial
  420. ppx_blob >= "0.3.0"
  421. ppx_catch
  422. ppx_deriving_cmdliner
  423. ppx_deriving_ezjsonm
  424. ppx_deriving_qcheck
  425. ppx_deriving_rpc
  426. ppx_deriving_yaml
  427. ppx_graphql >= "0.2.0"
  428. ppx_inline_alcotest
  429. ppx_map
  430. ppx_mica
  431. ppx_parser
  432. ppx_protocol_conv >= "5.0.0"
  433. ppx_protocol_conv_json >= "5.0.0"
  434. ppx_protocol_conv_jsonm >= "5.0.0"
  435. ppx_protocol_conv_msgpack >= "5.0.0"
  436. ppx_protocol_conv_xml_light >= "5.0.0"
  437. ppx_protocol_conv_xmlm
  438. ppx_protocol_conv_yaml >= "5.0.0"
  439. ppx_repr
  440. ppx_subliner
  441. ppx_units
  442. ppx_yojson >= "1.1.0"
  443. pratter
  444. prbnmcn-ucb1 >= "0.0.2"
  445. prc
  446. preface
  447. pretty_expressive
  448. prettym
  449. proc-smaps
  450. producer
  451. progress
  452. prom
  453. prometheus < "1.2"
  454. prometheus-app
  455. protocell
  456. protocol-9p >= "0.3" & < "0.11.0" | >= "0.11.2"
  457. protocol-9p-unix
  458. psq
  459. pyast
  460. qcheck >= "0.18"
  461. qcheck-alcotest
  462. qcheck-core >= "0.18"
  463. quickjs
  464. radis
  465. randii
  466. reason-standard
  467. red-black-tree
  468. reparse >= "2.0.0" & < "3.0.0"
  469. reparse-unix < "2.1.0"
  470. resp
  471. resp-unix >= "0.10.0"
  472. resto >= "0.9"
  473. rfc1951 < "1.0.0"
  474. routes < "2.0.0"
  475. rpc >= "7.1.0"
  476. rpclib >= "7.1.0"
  477. rpclib-async
  478. rpclib-lwt >= "7.1.0"
  479. rpmfile < "0.3.0"
  480. rpmfile-eio
  481. rpmfile-unix
  482. rubytt
  483. SZXX >= "4.0.0"
  484. salsa20
  485. salsa20-core
  486. sanddb >= "0.2"
  487. saturn != "0.4.1"
  488. saturn_lockfree != "0.4.1"
  489. scrypt-kdf
  490. secp256k1 >= "0.4.1"
  491. secp256k1-internal
  492. semver >= "0.2.1"
  493. sendmail
  494. sendmail-lwt
  495. sendmail-miou-unix
  496. sendmail-mirage
  497. sendmsg
  498. seqes
  499. server-reason-react
  500. session-cookie
  501. session-cookie-async
  502. session-cookie-lwt
  503. sherlodoc
  504. sihl < "0.2.0"
  505. sihl-type
  506. slug
  507. smaws-clients
  508. smaws-lib
  509. smol
  510. smol-helpers
  511. sodium-fmt
  512. solidity-alcotest
  513. spdx_licenses
  514. spectrum >= "0.2.0"
  515. spin >= "0.7.0"
  516. squirrel
  517. ssh-agent
  518. ssl >= "0.6.0"
  519. starred_ml
  520. stramon-lib
  521. styled-ppx
  522. swapfs
  523. syslog-rfc5424
  524. tabr
  525. tar-mirage >= "2.4.0"
  526. tcpip >= "2.4.2" & < "3.4.2" | >= "6.2.0"
  527. tdigest < "2.1.0"
  528. term-indexing
  529. term-tools
  530. terminal
  531. terminal_size >= "0.1.1"
  532. terminus
  533. terminus-cohttp
  534. terminus-hlc
  535. terml
  536. testo
  537. testo-lwt
  538. textmate-language >= "0.3.0"
  539. textrazor
  540. tezos-base-test-helpers < "17.3"
  541. tezos-bls12-381-polynomial
  542. tezos-client-base < "17.3"
  543. tezos-client-base-unix < "17.3"
  544. tezos-crypto >= "16.0" & < "17.3"
  545. tezos-crypto-dal < "17.3"
  546. tezos-error-monad >= "12.3" & < "17.3"
  547. tezos-event-logging-test-helpers < "17.3"
  548. tezos-plompiler = "0.1.3"
  549. tezos-plonk = "0.1.3"
  550. tezos-shell-services >= "16.0" & < "17.3"
  551. tezos-stdlib != "12.3" & < "17.3"
  552. tezos-test-helpers < "17.3"
  553. tezos-version >= "16.0" & < "17.3"
  554. tezos-webassembly-interpreter < "17.3"
  555. tftp
  556. thread-table
  557. timedesc
  558. timere
  559. timmy
  560. timmy-jsoo
  561. timmy-lwt
  562. timmy-unix
  563. tls >= "0.12.0"
  564. toc
  565. topojson
  566. topojsone
  567. trail
  568. traits
  569. transept
  570. twostep
  571. type_eq
  572. type_id
  573. typebeat
  574. typeid >= "1.0.1"
  575. tyre >= "0.4"
  576. tyxml >= "4.0.0"
  577. tyxml-jsx
  578. tyxml-ppx >= "4.3.0"
  579. tyxml-syntax
  580. uecc
  581. ulid
  582. universal-portal
  583. unix-dirent
  584. unix-errno >= "0.3.0"
  585. unix-fcntl >= "0.3.0"
  586. unix-sys-resource
  587. unix-sys-stat
  588. unix-time
  589. unstrctrd
  590. uring < "0.4"
  591. user-agent-parser
  592. uspf
  593. uspf-lwt
  594. uspf-mirage
  595. uspf-unix
  596. utop >= "2.13.0"
  597. validate
  598. validator
  599. vercel
  600. vhd-format-lwt >= "0.13.0"
  601. vpnkit
  602. wayland >= "2.0"
  603. wcwidth
  604. websocketaf
  605. x509 >= "0.7.0"
  606. xapi-rrd >= "1.8.2"
  607. xapi-stdext-date
  608. xapi-stdext-encodings
  609. xapi-stdext-std >= "4.16.0"
  610. xkbcommon
  611. yaml
  612. yaml-sexp
  613. yocaml
  614. yocaml_syndication >= "2.0.0"
  615. yocaml_yaml < "2.0.0"
  616. yojson >= "1.6.0"
  617. yojson-five
  618. yuscii >= "0.3.0"
  619. yuujinchou >= "1.0.0"
  620. zar
  621. zed >= "3.2.2"
  622. zlist < "0.4.0"

Conflicts (2)

  1. js_of_ocaml-compiler < "5.8"
  2. result < "1.5"

Innovation. Community. Security.