include module type of struct include Cstruct end
Base types
Type of a buffer. A cstruct is composed of an underlying buffer and position/length within this buffer.
byte v
convert v
to a single byte.
8-bit unsigned integer. The representation is currently an unboxed OCaml integer.
16-bit unsigned integer. The representation is currently an unboxed OCaml integer.
32-bit unsigned integer. The representation is currently a boxed OCaml int32.
64-bit unsigned integer. The representation is currently a boxed OCaml int64.
Creation and conversion
is the cstruct of length 0.
val of_bigarray : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> buffer -> t
of_bigarray ~off ~len b
is the cstruct contained in b
starting at offset off
(default 0
) of length len
(default Bigarray.Array1.dim b - off
to_bigarray t
converts a t
into a buffer
Bigarray, using the Bigarray slicing to allocate a fresh array that preserves sharing of the underlying buffer.
create len
is a fresh cstruct of size len
with an offset of 0, filled with zero bytes.
val create_unsafe : int -> t
create_unsafe len
is a cstruct of size len
with an offset of 0.
Note that the returned cstruct will contain arbitrary data, likely including the contents of previously-deallocated cstructs.
Forgetting to replace this data could cause your application to leak sensitive information.
val of_string : ?allocator:(int -> t) -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> t
of_string ~allocator ~off ~len str
is the cstruct representation of str
slice located at offset off
(default 0
) and of length len
(default String.length str - off
), with the underlying buffer allocated by alloc
. If allocator
is not provided, create
is used.
val of_bytes : ?allocator:(int -> t) -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bytes -> t
of_bytes ~allocator byt
is the cstruct representation of byt
slice located at offset off
(default 0
) and of length len
(default Bytes.length byt - off
), with the underlying buffer allocated by alloc
. If allocator
is not provided, create
is used.
val of_hex : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> t
of_hex ~off ~len str
is the cstruct cs
. Every pair of hex-encoded characters in str
starting at offset off
(default 0
) of length len
(default String.length str - off
) are converted to one byte in cs
. Whitespaces (space, newline, tab, carriage return) in str
are skipped.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
equal t1 t2
is true
iff t1
and t2
correspond to the same sequence of bytes.
val compare : t -> t -> int
compare t1 t2
gives an unspecified total ordering over t
Getters and Setters
val byte_to_int : byte -> int
Convert a byte to an integer
val check_bounds : t -> int -> bool
check_bounds cstr len
is true
if len
is a non-negative integer and cstr.buffer
's size is greater or equal than len
val check_alignment : t -> int -> bool
check_alignment cstr alignment
is true
if the first byte stored within cstr
is at a memory address where address mod alignment = 0
, false
otherwise. Typical uses are to check a buffer is aligned to a page or disk sector boundary.
val get_char : t -> int -> char
get_char t off
returns the character contained in the cstruct at offset off
val get_uint8 : t -> int -> uint8
get_uint8 t off
returns the byte contained in the cstruct at offset off
val set_char : t -> int -> char -> unit
set_char t off c
sets the byte contained in the cstruct at offset off
to character c
val set_uint8 : t -> int -> uint8 -> unit
set_uint8 t off c
sets the byte contained in the cstruct at offset off
to byte c
val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
sub cstr off len
is { t with off = + off; len }
val sub_copy : t -> int -> int -> t
sub_copy cstr off len
is a new copy of sub cstr off len
, that does not share the underlying buffer of cstr
val shift : t -> int -> t
shift cstr len
is { cstr with; len=t.len-len }
val copy : t -> int -> int -> string
copy cstr off len
is the string representation of the segment of t
starting at off
of size len
. It is equivalent to Cstruct.to_string cstr ~off ~len
val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
blit src srcoff dst dstoff len
copies len
characters from cstruct src
, starting at index srcoff
, to cstruct dst
, starting at index dstoff
. It works correctly even if src
and dst
are the same string, and the source and destination intervals overlap.
val blit_from_string : string -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
blit_from_string src srcoff dst dstoff len
copies len
characters from string src
, starting at index srcoff
, to cstruct dst
, starting at index dstoff
val blit_from_bytes : bytes -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
blit_from_bytes src srcoff dst dstoff len
copies len
characters from bytes src
, starting at index srcoff
, to cstruct dst
, starting at index dstoff
val blit_to_bytes : t -> int -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit
blit_to_bytes src srcoff dst dstoff len
copies len
characters from cstruct src
, starting at index srcoff
, to the dst
buffer, starting at index dstoff
val memset : t -> int -> unit
memset t x
sets all the bytes of t
to x land 0xff
val split : ?start:int -> t -> int -> t * t
split ~start cstr len
is a tuple containing the cstruct extracted from cstr
at offset start
(default: 0) of length len
as first element, and the rest of cstr
as second element.
val to_string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> t -> string
to_string ~off ~len t
will allocate a fresh OCaml string
and copy the contents of the cstruct starting at offset off
(default 0
) of length len
(default Cstruct.length t - off
) into it, and return that string.
val to_hex_string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> t -> string
to_hex_string ~off ~len t
is a fresh OCaml string
containing the hex representation of sub t off len
. It is therefore of length 2 * len
. This string can be read back into a Cstruct using of_hex
val to_bytes : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> t -> bytes
to_bytes ~off ~len t
will allocate a fresh OCaml bytes
and copy the contents of the cstruct starting at offset off
(default 0
) of length len
(default Cstruct.length t - off
) into it, and return that bytes.
When the going gets tough, the tough hexdump their cstructs and peer at it until the bug disappears. This will directly prettyprint the contents of the cstruct to the standard output.
val hexdump_to_buffer : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
hexdump_to_buffer buf c
will append the pretty-printed hexdump of the cstruct c
to the buffer buf
hexdump_pp f c
pretty-prints a hexdump of c
to f
debug t
will print out the internal details of a cstruct such as its base offset and the length, and raise an assertion failure if invariants have been violated. Not intended for casual use.
List of buffers
lenv cstrs
is the combined length of all cstructs in cstrs
val copyv : t list -> string
copyv cstrs
is the string representation of the concatenation of all cstructs in cstrs
val fillv : src:t list -> dst:t -> int * t list
fillv ~src ~dst
copies from src
to dst
until src
is exhausted or dst
is full. Returns the number of bytes copied and the remaining data from src
, if any. This is useful if you want buffer data into fixed-sized chunks.
val shiftv : t list -> int -> t list
shiftv ts n
is ts
without the first n
bytes. It has the property that equal (concat (shiftv ts n)) (shift (concat ts) n)
. This operation is fairly fast, as it will share the tail of the list. The first item in the returned list is never an empty cstruct, so you'll get []
if and only if lenv ts = n
type 'a iter = unit -> 'a option
val iter : (t -> int option) -> (t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a iter
iter lenf of_cstr cstr
is an iterator over cstr
that returns elements of size lenf cstr
and type of_cstr cstr
val fold : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a iter -> 'b -> 'b
fold f iter acc
is (f iterN accN ... (f iter acc)...)
append t1 t2
is the concatenation t1 || t2
concat ts
is the concatenation of all the ts
. It is not guaranteed that * the result is a newly created t
in the zero- and one-element cases.
rev t
is t
in reverse order. The return value is a freshly allocated cstruct, and the argument is not modified.
Helpers to parse.
is used to manipulate payloads which can be formatted according an RFC or an user-defined format. In such context, this module provides utilities to be able to easily parse payloads.
Due to the type Cstruct.t
, no copy are done when you use these utilities and you are able to extract your information without a big performance cost.
More precisely, each values returned by these utilities will be located into the minor-heap where the base buffer will never be copied or relocated.
For instance, to parse a Git tree object:
entry := perm ' ' name '\000' 20byte
tree := entry *
open Cstruct
let ( >>= ) = Option.bind
let rec hash_of_name ~name payload =
if is_empty payload then raise Not_found
cut ~sep:(v " ") payload >>= fun (_, payload) ->
cut ~sep:(v "\000") payload >>= fun (name', payload) ->
if name = name' then with_range ~len:20 payload
else hash_of_name ~name (shift payload 20)
A Cstruct
defines a possibly empty subsequence of bytes in a base buffer (a Bigarray.Array1.t
The positions of a buffer b
of length l
are the slits found before each byte and after the last byte of the buffer. They are labelled from left to right by increasing number in the range [0
positions 0 1 2 3 4 l-1 l
+---+---+---+---+ +-----+
indices | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | l-1 |
+---+---+---+---+ +-----+
The i
th byte index is between positions i
and i+1
Formally we define a subbuffer of b
as being a subsequence of bytes defined by a off position and a len number. When len
is 0
the subbuffer is empty. Note that for a given base buffer there are as many empty subbuffers as there are positions in the buffer.
Like in strings, we index the bytes of a subbuffer using zero-based indices.
val get : t -> int -> char
get cs zidx
is the byte of cs
at its zero-based index zidx
. It's an alias of get_char
val get_byte : t -> int -> int
get_byte cs zidx
is Char.code (get cs zidx)
. It's an alias of get_uint8
val string : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> t
string ~off ~len str
is the subbuffer of str
that starts at position off
(defaults to 0
) and stops at position off + len
(defaults to String.length str
). str
is fully-replaced by an fresh allocated buffer
val buffer : ?off:int -> ?len:int -> buffer -> t
buffer ~off ~len buffer
is the sub-part of buffer
that starts at position off
(default to 0
) and stops at position off + len
(default to Bigarray.Array1.dim buffer
). buffer
is used as the base buffer of the returned value (no major-heap allocation are performed).
start_pos cs
is cs
's start position in the base buffer
stop_pos cs
is cs
's stop position in the base buffer
Returns the length of the current cstruct view. Note that this length is potentially smaller than the actual size of the underlying buffer, as the sub
function can construct a smaller view.
val head : ?rev:bool -> t -> char option
head cs
is Some (get cs h)
with h = 0
if rev = false
(default) or h
= length cs - 1
if rev = true
. None
is returned if cs
is empty.
val tail : ?rev:bool -> t -> t
tail cs
is cs
without its first (rev
is false
, default) or last (rev
is true
) byte or cs
is empty.
is_empty cs
is length cs = 0
val is_prefix : affix:t -> t -> bool
is_prefix ~affix cs
is true
iff affix.[zidx] = cs.[zidx]
for all indices zidx
of affix
val is_suffix : affix:t -> t -> bool
is_suffix ~affix cs
is true
iff affix.[n - zidx] = cs.[m - zidx]
for all indices zidx
of affix
with n = length affix - 1
and m = length cs
- 1
val is_infix : affix:t -> t -> bool
is_infix ~affix cs
is true
iff there exists an index z
in cs
such that for all indices zidx
of affix
we have affix.[zidx] = cs.[z +
val for_all : (char -> bool) -> t -> bool
for_all p cs
is true
iff for all indices zidx
of cs
, p cs.[zidx] =
val exists : (char -> bool) -> t -> bool
exists p cs
is true
iff there exists an index zidx
of cs
with p
cs.[zidx] = true
start cs
is the empty sub-part at the start position of cs
stop cs
is the empty sub-part at the stop position of cs
val trim : ?drop:(char -> bool) -> t -> t
trim ~drop cs
is cs
with prefix and suffix bytes satisfying drop
in cs
removed. drop
defaults to function ' ' | '\r' .. '\t' -> true | _ ->
val span :
?rev:bool ->
?min:int ->
?max:int ->
?sat:(char -> bool) ->
t ->
t * t
span ~rev ~min ~max ~sat cs
is (l, r)
- if
is false
(default), l
is at least min
and at most max
consecutive sat
satisfying initial bytes of cs
or empty
if there are no such bytes. r
are the remaining bytes of cs
. - if
is true
, r
is at least min
and at most max
consecutive sat
satisfying final bytes of cs
or empty
if there are no such bytes. l
are the remaining bytes of cs
If max
is unspecified the span is unlimited. If min
is unspecified it defaults to 0
. If min > max
the condition can't be satisfied and the left or right span, depending on rev
, is always empty. sat
defaults to (fun _ -> true)
The invariant l ^ r = s
For instance, the ABNF expression:
time := 1*10DIGIT
can be translated to:
let (time, _) = span ~min:1 ~max:10 is_digit cs in
val take : ?rev:bool -> ?min:int -> ?max:int -> ?sat:(char -> bool) -> t -> t
take ~rev ~min ~max ~sat cs
is the matching span of span
without the remaining one. In other words:
(if rev then snd else fst) @@ span ~rev ~min ~max ~sat cs
val drop : ?rev:bool -> ?min:int -> ?max:int -> ?sat:(char -> bool) -> t -> t
drop ~rev ~min ~max ~sat cs
is the remaining span of span
without the matching one. In other words:
(if rev then fst else snd) @@ span ~rev ~min ~max ~sat cs
val cut : ?rev:bool -> sep:t -> t -> (t * t) option
cut ~sep cs
is either the pair Some (l, r)
of the two (possibly empty) sub-buffers of cs
that are delimited by the first match of the non empty separator string sep
or None
if sep
can't be matched in cs
. Matching starts from the beginning of cs
is false
, default) or the end (rev
is true
The invariant l ^ sep ^ r = s
For instance, the ABNF expression:
field_name := *PRINT
field_value := *ASCII
field := field_name ":" field_value
can be translated to:
match cut ~sep:":" value with
| Some (field_name, field_value) -> ...
| None -> invalid_arg "invalid field"
val cuts : ?rev:bool -> ?empty:bool -> sep:t -> t -> t list
cuts ~sep cs
is the list of all sub-buffers of cs
that are delimited by matches of the non empty separator sep
. Empty sub-buffers are omitted in the list if empty
is false
(default to true
Matching separators in cs
starts from the beginning of cs
is false
, default) or the end (rev
is true
). Once one is found, the separator is skipped and matching starts again, that is separator matches can't overlap. If there is no separator match in cs
, the list [cs]
is returned.
The following invariants hold:
concat ~sep (cuts ~empty:true ~sep cs) = cs
cuts ~empty:true ~sep cs <> []
For instance, the ABNF expression:
arg := *(ASCII / ",") ; any characters exclude ","
args := arg *("," arg)
can be translated to:
let args = cuts ~sep:"," buffer in
val fields : ?empty:bool -> ?is_sep:(char -> bool) -> t -> t list
fields ~empty ~is_sep cs
is the list of (possibly empty) sub-buffers that are delimited by bytes for which is_sep
is true
. Empty sub-buffers are omitted in the list if empty
is false
(defaults to true
). is_sep c
if it's not define by the user is true
iff c
is an US-ASCII white space character, that is one of space ' '
), tab '\t'
), newline '\n'
), vertical tab (0x0b
), form feed (0x0c
), carriage return '\r'
val find : ?rev:bool -> (char -> bool) -> t -> t option
find ~rev sat cs
is the sub-buffer of cs
(if any) that spans the first byte that satisfies sat
in cs
after position start cs
is false
, default) or before stop cs
is true
). None
is returned if there is no matching byte in s
val find_sub : ?rev:bool -> sub:t -> t -> t option
find_sub ~rev ~sub cs
is the sub-buffer of cs
(if any) that spans the first match of sub
in cs
after position start cs
is false
, default) or before stop cs
is true
). Only bytes are compared and sub
can be on a different base buffer. None
is returned if there is no match of sub
in s
val filter : (char -> bool) -> t -> t
filter sat cs
is the buffer made of the bytes of cs
that satisfy sat
, in the same order.
val filter_map : (char -> char option) -> t -> t
filter_map f cs
is the buffer made of the bytes of cs
as mapped by f
, in the same order.
val map : (char -> char) -> t -> t
map f cs
is cs'
with cs'.[i] = f cs.[i]
for all indices i
of cs
. f
is invoked in increasing index order.
val mapi : (int -> char -> char) -> t -> t
map f cs
is cs'
with cs'.[i] = f i cs.[i]
for all indices i
of cs
. f
is invoked in increasing index order.