package plebeia

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

File system over Plebeia tree, with a "tree" interface.

Here, a `tree` is a subtree of Plebeia tree. This is different from the `cursor` of `Fs` which is a zipper pointer to a tree.

Accesses to the tree items are by the absolute path names from the root of the tree. Fs_tree optimizes contiguous file accesses in the same directories using zipper internally.

File system via Plebeia

type name = Fs_types.Name.t

Type of file name

module Name = Fs_types.Name
module Path = Fs_types.Path

Path name, a list of names

module FsError = Fs_types.FsError
type raw_cursor = Cursor.t

Type for the underlying cursor

type tree

Type of Plebeia tree of a file or a directory

type view = Node_type.view

Type for the contents of a file or a directory

type hash = Hash.Prefix.t

Hash of a file or a directory

type error = FsError.t

Errors. The first parameter is the name of the failed API function

val make : raw_cursor -> Fs_nameenc.t -> Path.t -> tree

make raw_tree path wraps raw_tree which points to path and returns a tree

val empty : Context.t -> Fs_nameenc.t -> tree

empty context returns a tree pointing the empty file system

val context : tree -> Context.t

Returns the underlying context of the given tree

val get_raw_cursor : tree -> raw_cursor

Get the underlying raw cursor

val index : tree -> Index.t option
val forget_info : tree -> tree
val top_tree : tree -> tree
val compute_hash : tree -> tree * Hash.t
val write_top_tree : tree -> (tree * (Index.t * hash), Error.t) result
val may_forget : tree -> tree
module Op : sig ... end
module Op_lwt : sig ... end
module Vc : sig ... end

Version control

module Merkle_proof : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.