package plato

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val max_interpolation_depth : int ref
val defaultsect : string
exception NoSectionError of string
exception DuplicateSectionError of string * string option * int option
exception DuplicateOptionError of string * string * string option * int option
exception NoOptionError of string * string
exception InterpolationMissingOptionError of string * string * string * string
exception InterpolationSyntaxError of string * string * string
exception InterpolationDepthError of string * string * string
exception ParsingError of string * (int * string) list
exception MissingSectionHeaderError of string * int * string
module type STRING_MUTABLE_MAPPING = sig ... end
module type STRING_BOOL_MUTABLE_MAPPING = sig ... end
module type INTERPOLATION = sig ... end
module type INTERPOLATION_BUILDER = functor (Map : STRING_MUTABLE_MAPPING) -> INTERPOLATION with module Map = Map
module type SECTION_PROXY = sig ... end
module type CONFIG_PARSER = sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.