package plato

  1. Overview
  2. Docs



module Map = StringMap
type key = string
type in_value = string option Map.t
type t
module SectionProxy : SECTION_PROXY with type parser := t
module Interpolation : INTERPOLATION with module Map = Map with module Map = StringMap
type proxy = SectionProxy.t
include Collections.Abc.MUTABLE_MAPPING with type key := key and type in_value := in_value and type out_value := proxy and type t := t
include Collections.Abc.MAPPING with type key := key and type value := proxy and type t := t
include Collections.Abc.COLLECTION with type key := key and type e := proxy and type t := t and type i := key
include Collections.Abc.SIZED with type t := t
val len : t -> int
include Collections.Abc.ITERABLE with type e := proxy and type t := t and type key := key
val iter : (key -> proxy -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold : (key -> proxy -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> t -> 'acc -> 'acc
include Collections.Abc.CONTAINER with type t := t and type i := key
val contains : key -> t -> bool
val getitem : key -> t -> proxy
val getitem_opt : key -> t -> proxy option
val keys : t -> key list
val items : t -> (key * proxy) list
val values : t -> proxy list
val eq : t -> t -> bool
val ne : t -> t -> bool
val setitem : key -> in_value -> t -> unit
val delitem : key -> t -> unit
val pop : key -> t -> proxy
val popitem : t -> key * proxy
val clear : t -> unit
val update : t -> t -> unit
val setdefault : key -> in_value -> t -> proxy
val get_boolean_states : t -> (string * bool) list
val set_boolean_states : t -> (string * bool) list -> unit
val get_optionxform : t -> string -> string
val set_optionxform : t -> (string -> string) -> unit
val get_sectcre : t ->
val set_sectcre : t -> -> unit
val make : ?defaults:string option Map.t -> ?allow_no_value:bool -> ?delimiters:string list -> ?comment_prefixes:string list -> ?inline_comment_prefixes:string list -> ?strict:bool -> ?empty_lines_in_values:bool -> ?default_section:string -> unit -> t
val defaults : t -> string option Map.t
val sections : t -> string list
val options : t -> string -> string list
val read : t -> string list -> string list
val read_file : t -> ?source:string -> Stdlib.in_channel -> unit
val read_string : t -> ?source:string -> string -> unit
val getint : t -> ?raw:bool -> ?vars:string option Map.t -> ?fallback:int -> string -> string -> int
val getbool : t -> ?raw:bool -> ?vars:string option Map.t -> ?fallback:bool -> string -> string -> bool
val getfloat : t -> ?raw:bool -> ?vars:string option Map.t -> ?fallback:float -> string -> string -> float
val popitem_dict : t -> string * string option Map.t
val has_option : t -> string -> string -> bool
val write : t -> ?space_around_delimiters:bool -> Stdlib.out_channel -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.