package picos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Syntax for avoiding resource leaks.

type 'a finally = ('a -> unit) * (unit -> 'a)

A pair of release and acquire functions.

val finally : ('a -> unit) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a finally

finally release acquire is equivalent to (release, acquire).

val let@ : 'a finally -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b

let@ resource = finally release acquire in scope calls acquire () to obtain a resource, evaluates scope, and calls release resource whether scope returns normally or raises an exception.

Here is a sketch of a server that recursively forks a fiber to accept and handle a client:

Bundle.join_after @@ fun bundle ->
let rec accept () =
  let@ client =
    finally Unix.close @@ fun () ->
    Unix.accept ~cloexec:true socket |> fst
  (* fork to accept other clients *)
  Bundle.fork bundle accept;
  (* handle this client... omitted *)
Bundle.fork bundle accept

There is also a way to move resources to allow forking fibers to handle clients without leaks.

type 'a moveable

A moveable either contains a resource or is empty as the resource has been moved.

val let^ : 'a finally -> ('a moveable -> 'b) -> 'b

let^ moveable = finally release acquire in scope calls acquire () to obtain a resource and stores it as a moveable resource. Then, at the end of scope, awaits that the resource is moved out of the moveable or releases the resource in case of cancelation.

val move : 'a moveable -> 'a finally

move moveable creates a pair of release and acquire functions where the acquire operation takes the resource from the moveable and the release operation releases the resource.

Here is a sketch of a server that accepts in a loop and forks fibers to handle clients:

Bundle.join_after @@ fun bundle ->
while true do
  (* loop to accept clients *)
  let^ client =
    finally Unix.close @@ fun () ->
    Unix.accept ~closexec:true socket |> fst
  (* fork to handle this client *)
  Bundle.fork bundle @@ fun () ->
    let@ client = move client in
    (* handle client... omitted *)

Another alternative to avoiding leaks is to recursively fork fibers to accept and handle a client.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the resource has already been moved (or released) unless the fiber has been canceled.


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