package piaf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type disposition_type = [
  1. | `Inline
  2. | `Attachment
  3. | `Ietf_token of string
  4. | `X_token of string
type t = {
  1. ty : disposition_type;
  2. filename : string option;
  3. creation : date option;
  4. modification : date option;
  5. read : date option;
  6. size : int option;
  7. parameters : (string * value) list;
and value =
  1. | String of string
  2. | Token of string
and date = unit
val error_msgf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, ('b, [> `Msg of string ]) result) format4 -> 'c
val v : ?filename:string -> ?kind:disposition_type -> ?size:int -> string -> t
val pp_disposition_type : Format.formatter -> [< `Attachment | `Ietf_token of string | `Inline | `X_token of string ] -> unit
val pp_value : Format.formatter -> value -> unit
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val name : t -> string option
val filename : t -> string option
val size : t -> int option
val disposition_type : t -> disposition_type
val of_escaped_character : char -> char
val is_obs_no_ws_ctl : char -> bool
val is_qtext : char -> bool
val is_wsp : char -> bool
module Decoder : sig ... end
val of_string : string -> (t, [> Unstrctrd.error ]) result
module Encoder : sig ... end
val to_string : t -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.