package piaf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = [
  1. | `Bit7
  2. | `Bit8
  3. | `Binary
  4. | `Quoted_printable
  5. | `Base64
  6. | `Ietf_token of string
  7. | `X_token of string
val error_msgf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit, ('b, [> `Msg of string ]) result) format4 -> 'c
val pp : Format.formatter -> [< `Base64 | `Binary | `Bit7 | `Bit8 | `Ietf_token of string | `Quoted_printable | `X_token of string ] -> unit
val default : [> `Bit7 ]
val bit8 : [> `Bit8 ]
val bit7 : [> `Bit7 ]
val binary : [> `Binary ]
val quoted_printable : [> `Quoted_printable ]
val base64 : [> `Base64 ]
val of_string : string -> ([> `Base64 | `Binary | `Bit7 | `Bit8 | `Quoted_printable ], [> `Msg of string ]) result
val equal : [> `Base64 | `Binary | `Bit7 | `Bit8 | `Ietf_token of string | `Quoted_printable | `X_token of string ] -> [> `Base64 | `Binary | `Bit7 | `Bit8 | `Ietf_token of string | `Quoted_printable | `X_token of string ] -> bool
module Decoder : sig ... end
module Encoder : sig ... end
val to_string : [< `Base64 | `Binary | `Bit7 | `Bit8 | `Ietf_token of string | `Quoted_printable | `X_token of string ] -> string

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