package pfff

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type token =
  1. | TUnknown of Parse_info.t
  2. | EOF of Parse_info.t
  3. | TCommentSpace of Parse_info.t
  4. | TCommentNewline of Parse_info.t
  5. | TComment of Parse_info.t
  6. | TInt of string * Parse_info.t
  7. | TFloat of string * Parse_info.t
  8. | TChar of string * Parse_info.t
  9. | TString of string * Parse_info.t
  10. | TLowerIdent of string * Parse_info.t
  11. | TUpperIdent of string * Parse_info.t
  12. | Tconst of Parse_info.t
  13. | Tfun of Parse_info.t
  14. | Talias of Parse_info.t
  15. | Tasync of Parse_info.t
  16. | Tawait of Parse_info.t
  17. | Ttry of Parse_info.t
  18. | Tcatch of Parse_info.t
  19. | Tclass of Parse_info.t
  20. | Ttrait of Parse_info.t
  21. | Textends of Parse_info.t
  22. | Tchildren of Parse_info.t
  23. | Tfinal of Parse_info.t
  24. | Tprivate of Parse_info.t
  25. | Tprotected of Parse_info.t
  26. | Tthis of Parse_info.t
  27. | Tif of Parse_info.t
  28. | Telse of Parse_info.t
  29. | Tmatch of Parse_info.t
  30. | Tfrom of Parse_info.t
  31. | Tmodule of Parse_info.t
  32. | Tmutable of Parse_info.t
  33. | Tnative of Parse_info.t
  34. | Tuses of Parse_info.t
  35. | Tstatic of Parse_info.t
  36. | Tthrow of Parse_info.t
  37. | Tas of Parse_info.t
  38. | Ttype of Parse_info.t
  39. | Tvoid of Parse_info.t
  40. | Twatch of Parse_info.t
  41. | Twhen of Parse_info.t
  42. | Twith of Parse_info.t
  43. | Tbase of Parse_info.t
  44. | Tcapture of Parse_info.t
  45. | Tdefault of Parse_info.t
  46. | Tdeferred of Parse_info.t
  47. | Tinst of Parse_info.t
  48. | TnonNullable of Parse_info.t
  49. | Tuntracked of Parse_info.t
  50. | Tvalue of Parse_info.t
  51. | Ttrue of Parse_info.t
  52. | Tfalse of Parse_info.t
  53. | Toverridable of Parse_info.t
  54. | Treadonly of Parse_info.t
  55. | Tmacro of Parse_info.t
  56. | Tfor of Parse_info.t
  57. | Tin of Parse_info.t
  58. | Textension of Parse_info.t
  59. | Tyield of Parse_info.t
  60. | Tbreak of Parse_info.t
  61. | Tcontinue of Parse_info.t
  62. | Tmemoized of Parse_info.t
  63. | Tfrozen of Parse_info.t
  64. | Tdo of Parse_info.t
  65. | Twhile of Parse_info.t
  66. | Tloop of Parse_info.t
  67. | TEq of Parse_info.t
  68. | TEqDot of Parse_info.t
  69. | TOParen of Parse_info.t
  70. | TCParen of Parse_info.t
  71. | TOBrace of Parse_info.t
  72. | TCBrace of Parse_info.t
  73. | TOBracket of Parse_info.t
  74. | TCBracket of Parse_info.t
  75. | TDot of Parse_info.t
  76. | TArrow of Parse_info.t
  77. | TTildeArrow of Parse_info.t
  78. | TEqualArrow of Parse_info.t
  79. | TComma of Parse_info.t
  80. | TColon of Parse_info.t
  81. | TColonColon of Parse_info.t
  82. | TSemiColon of Parse_info.t
  83. | TSemiColonSemiColon of Parse_info.t
  84. | TPipe of Parse_info.t
  85. | TQuestion of Parse_info.t
  86. | TAt of Parse_info.t
  87. | TSharp of Parse_info.t
  88. | TDollar of Parse_info.t
  89. | TBackquote of Parse_info.t
  90. | TPlus of Parse_info.t
  91. | TMinus of Parse_info.t
  92. | TStar of Parse_info.t
  93. | TDiv of Parse_info.t
  94. | TMod of Parse_info.t
  95. | TEqEq of Parse_info.t
  96. | TBangEq of Parse_info.t
  97. | TLess of Parse_info.t
  98. | TGreater of Parse_info.t
  99. | TLessEq of Parse_info.t
  100. | TGreaterEq of Parse_info.t
  101. | TAnd of Parse_info.t
  102. | THat of Parse_info.t
  103. | TBang of Parse_info.t
  104. | TAndAnd of Parse_info.t
  105. | TPipePipe of Parse_info.t

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