package pfff

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module PI = Parse_info
type info = Parse_info.t
and tok = info
and 'a wrap = 'a * info
type html_raw =
  1. | HtmlRaw of string
type html_tree =
  1. | Element of tag * (attr_name * attr_value) list * html_tree list
  2. | Data of string wrap
and tag =
  1. | Tag of string wrap
and attr_name =
  1. | Attr of string wrap
and attr_value =
  1. | Val of string wrap
type html =
  1. | Html of attrs * head * (body, frameset) Common.either
and head =
  1. | Head of attrs * head_content list
and head_content =
  1. | Title of attrs * plain_text
  2. | Style of attrs * plain_text
  3. | Meta of attrs
  4. | Head_Script of attrs * plain_text
  5. | Head_Server of attrs * plain_text
  6. | Base of attrs
  7. | HeadContent_IsIndex of attrs
  8. | NextId of attrs
and body =
  1. | Body of attrs * body_content list
and frameset =
  1. | Frameset of attrs * frameset_content list
and frameset_content =
  1. | Frame of attrs
  2. | NoFrame of attrs * body_content list
and body_content =
  1. | Body_Heading of heading
  2. | Hr of attrs
  3. | Body_Flow of flow
  4. | Del of attrs * flow
  5. | Ins of attrs * flow
  6. | Address of attrs * address_content list
  7. | Marquee of attrs * style_text
  8. | Map of attrs * area list
  9. | Layer of attrs * body_content
  10. | Bgsound of attrs
and heading =
  1. | H1 of attrs * text
  2. | H2 of attrs * text
  3. | H3 of attrs * text
  4. | H4 of attrs * text
  5. | H5 of attrs * text
  6. | H6 of attrs * text
and block = block_content list
and block_content =
  1. | Block_P of attrs * text
  2. | Div of attrs * body_content
  3. | Blockquote of attrs * body_content
  4. | Center of attrs * body_content
  5. | Form of attrs * form_content list
  6. | Table of attrs * caption option * colgroup list * table_content list
  7. | Pre of attrs * pre_content list
  8. | Samp of attrs * text
  9. | Listing of attrs * literal_text
  10. | Menu of attrs * li list
  11. | Multicol of attrs * body_content
  12. | Dl of attrs * dl_content list1
  13. | Ul of attrs * li list1
  14. | Ol of attrs * li list1
  15. | Block_Script of attrs * plain_text
  16. | Block_IsIndex of attrs
  17. | Basefont of attrs * body_content
  18. | Dir of attrs * li list1
  19. | Nobr of attrs * text
  20. | Xmp of attrs * literal_text
and text = text_content list
and text_content =
  1. | PlainText of plain_text
  2. | PhysicalStyle of physical_style
  3. | ContentStyle of content_style
  4. | A of attrs * a_content list
  5. | Br of attrs
  6. | Img of attrs
  7. | Iframe of attrs
  8. | Embed of attrs
  9. | NoEmbed of attrs * text
  10. | Applet of attrs * applet_content
  11. | Object of attrs * object_content
  12. | NoScript of attrs * text
  13. | Ilayer of attrs * body_content
  14. | Spacer of attrs
  15. | Wbr of attrs
and physical_style =
  1. | B of attrs * text
  2. | I of attrs * text
  3. | Tt of attrs * text
  4. | Big of attrs * text
  5. | Small of attrs * text
  6. | Strike of attrs * text
  7. | S of attrs * text
  8. | U of attrs * text
  9. | Font of attrs * style_text
  10. | Sub of attrs * text
  11. | Sup of attrs * text
  12. | Span of attrs * text
  13. | Bdo of attrs * text
and content_style =
  1. | Em of attrs * text
  2. | Strong of attrs * text
  3. | Abbr of attrs * text
  4. | Acronym of attrs * text
  5. | Cite of attrs * text
  6. | Code of attrs * text
  7. | Dfn of attrs * text
  8. | Kbd of attrs * text
  9. | Q of attrs * text
  10. | Var of attrs * text
and flow = flow_content list
and flow_content =
  1. | Flow_Block of block
  2. | Flow_Text of text
and form_content =
  1. | Form_Input of attrs
  2. | Form_Body of body_content
  3. | Form_TextArea of attrs * plain_text
  4. | Form_Select of attrs * select_content list
  5. | Fieldset of attrs * legend option * form_content list
  6. | Label of attrs * label_content list
  7. | Keygen of attrs
and label_content =
  1. | Label_Input of attrs
  2. | Label_Body of body_content
  3. | Label_TextArea of attrs * plain_text
  4. | Label_Select of attrs * select_content list
and select_content =
  1. | OptGroup of attrs * option_tag list
  2. | SelectOption of option_tag
and legend =
  1. | Legend of attrs * text
and option_tag =
  1. | Option of attrs * plain_text
and caption =
  1. | Caption of attrs * body_content
and colgroup =
  1. | Colgroup of attrs
  2. | ColgroupContent of colgroup_content list
and colgroup_content =
  1. | Col of attrs
and table_content =
  1. | THead of attrs
  2. | TFoot of attrs
  3. | TBody of attrs
  4. | Tr of attrs * table_cell list
and table_cell =
  1. | Th of attrs * body_content
  2. | Td of attrs * body_content
and applet_content =
  1. | Applet_Body of body_content
  2. | AppletParams of param list
and object_content = applet_content
and param = unit
and li =
  1. | Li of attrs * flow
and dl_content = dt * dd
and dt =
  1. | Dt of attrs * text
and dd =
  1. | Dd of attrs * flow
and a_content =
  1. | A_Heading of heading
  2. | A_Text of text
and pre_content =
  1. | Pre_Br of attrs
  2. | Pre_Hr of attrs
  3. | Pre_A of attrs
  4. | Pre_Text of style_text
and address_content =
  1. | Address_P of attrs * text
  2. | Address_Text of text
and area = unit
and attrs = (attr_name * attr_value) list
and plain_text = string wrap
and style_text = string wrap
and literal_text = string wrap
and 'a list1 = 'a * 'a list
type any =
  1. | HtmlTree of html_tree
val fakeInfo : ?next_to:(PI.token_location * int) option -> ?str:string -> unit -> PI.token_mutable
val str_of_tag : tag -> string

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