Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Provides an interface that declares a versioned schema.
A versioned schema.
Note A schema t
here represents a collection of table schemas but doesn't have to be an exhaustive enumeration - i.e it is possible to have multiple t
valid for a given SQL database provided they refer to disjoint collections of tables.
type migration = (unit, unit, [ `Zero ]) Caqti_request.t
Represents SQL statements required to update the schema over versions.
val version : int list -> version
version ls
constructs a new version number from ls
init ?migrations version ~name
constructs a new versioned schema declaring it to have the name name
and version version
is the name of the schema -- used to initially determine the stored version number, and is required to stay constant over the lifetime of the project.
is the current version of the schema -- note that initialise
will fail if it is run using an SQL database has a newer version than the version declared here.
is an association list, mapping versions to the SQL statements required to migrate the schema to the new format from its previous version. The order of elements in migrations
is irrelevant.
val declare_table :
t ->
?since:version ->
?constraints:[ `Table ] Schema.constraint_ list ->
?migrations:(version * migration list) list ->
name:string ->
'a Schema.table ->
table_name * 'a Expr.expr_list
declare_table t ?since ?constraints ?migrations ~name table_spec
declares a new table on the schema t
with the name name
declares the first version in which this table was introduced -- if omitted, Petrol assumes the table has been present since the very first version.
are a list of SQL constraints on the columns of the table.
is an association list, mapping versions to the SQL statements required to migrate this table to the new format from its previous version. The order of elements in migrations
is irrelevant.
val migrations_needed :
t ->
(module Caqti_lwt.CONNECTION) ->
(bool, [> Caqti_error.t | `Newer_version_than_supported of version ])
migrations_needed t conn
returns a boolean indicating whether the current version on the SQL database will require migrations -- i.e whether running initialise
will run migrations.
will also fail if it is run using an SQL database has a newer version than the version declared here.
Note migrations_needed
reserves the table name petrol_<schema_name>_version_db
in the database.
val initialise :
t ->
(module Caqti_lwt.CONNECTION) ->
(unit, [> Caqti_error.t | `Newer_version_than_supported of version ])
initialise t conn
initialises the SQL database on conn
, performing any necessary migrations if needed.
will fail if it is run using an SQL database has a newer version than the version declared here.
Note initialise
reserves the table name petrol_<schema_name>_version_db
in the database.