Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Provides an E-DSL for specifying SQL queries in OCaml.
('ret_ty, 'query_tag) t
represents an SQL query that returns values of type 'ret_ty
and is a SQL query of kind 'query_kind
type ('a, 'c) where_fun = bool Expr.t -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `DELETE | `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE | `UPDATE ]
('a,'c) where_fun
defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's WHERE clause.
type ('a, 'b, 'c) group_by_fun = 'b Expr.expr_list -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ]
('a,'b,'c) group_by_fun
defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's GROUP BY clause.
type ('a, 'c) having_fun = bool Expr.t -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ]
('a,'b,'c) having_fun
defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's HAVING clause.
type ('a, 'b, 'd, 'c) join_fun =
?op:join_op ->
on:bool Expr.t ->
('b, 'd) t ->
('c, 'a) t ->
('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `SELECT_CORE ] constraint 'd = [< `SELECT_CORE | `SELECT ]
('a,'b,'c,'d) join_fun
defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's JOIN clause.
type ('a, 'b, 'c) on_err_fun = 'b -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t
constraint 'a = [> `INSERT | `UPDATE ]
constraint 'b = [< `ABORT | `FAIL | `IGNORE | `REPLACE | `ROLLBACK ]
('a,'b,'c) having_fun
defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's HAVING clause ON ERR.
val select : 'a Expr.expr_list -> from:table_name -> ('a, [> `SELECT_CORE ]) t
select fields ~from
corresponds to the SQL SELECT {fields} FROM {from}
val update :
table:table_name ->
set:Expr.wrapped_assign list ->
(unit, [> `UPDATE ]) t
update ~table ~set
corresponds to the SQL UPDATE {set} FROM {table}
val insert :
table:table_name ->
values:Expr.wrapped_assign list ->
(unit, [> `INSERT ]) t
insert ~table ~values
corresponds to the SQL INSERT {values} INTO {table}
val delete : from:table_name -> (unit, [> `DELETE ]) t
delete ~from
corresponds to the SQL DELETE FROM {from}
val where : ([< `DELETE | `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE | `UPDATE ], 'c) where_fun
where by expr
corresponds to the SQL {expr} WHERE {by}
val group_by : ([< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ], 'b, 'c) group_by_fun
group_by fields expr
corresponds to the SQL {expr} GROUP BY {fields}
val having : ([< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ], 'c) having_fun
having fields expr
corresponds to the SQL {expr} HAVING {fields}
val join : ([ `SELECT_CORE ], 'b, [< `SELECT_CORE | `SELECT ], 'c) join_fun
join ?op ~on oexpr expr
corresponds to the SQL {expr} {op} JOIN {oexpr} ON {expr}
The ordering of the last two arguments has been chosen to allow easily piping this with another SQL query.
on_err err expr
corresponds to the SQL {expr} ON ERR {err}
limit count expr
corresponds to the SQL {expr} LIMIT {count}
offset count expr
corresponds to the SQL {expr} OFFSET {fields}