package petrol

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Provides an E-DSL for specifying SQL queries in OCaml.

type ('ret_ty, 'query_kind) t

('ret_ty, 'query_tag) t represents an SQL query that returns values of type 'ret_ty and is a SQL query of kind 'query_kind.

type join_op =
  1. | LEFT

    LEFT join -- keep rows from the left table where the right column is NULL

  2. | RIGHT

    RIGHT join -- keep rows from the right table where the right column is NULL

  3. | INNER

    INNER -- only keep rows for which both the left and right of the join are present.


Defines the type of join to be used to combine two tables

type ('a, 'c) where_fun = bool Expr.t -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `DELETE | `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE | `UPDATE ]

('a,'c) where_fun defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's WHERE clause.

type ('a, 'b, 'c) group_by_fun = 'b Expr.expr_list -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ]

('a,'b,'c) group_by_fun defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's GROUP BY clause.

type ('a, 'c) having_fun = bool Expr.t -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ]

('a,'b,'c) having_fun defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's HAVING clause.

type ('a, 'b, 'd, 'c) join_fun = ?op:join_op -> on:bool Expr.t -> ('b, 'd) t -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [< `SELECT_CORE ] constraint 'd = [< `SELECT_CORE | `SELECT ]

('a,'b,'c,'d) join_fun defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's JOIN clause.

type ('a, 'b, 'c) on_err_fun = 'b -> ('c, 'a) t -> ('c, 'a) t constraint 'a = [> `INSERT | `UPDATE ] constraint 'b = [< `ABORT | `FAIL | `IGNORE | `REPLACE | `ROLLBACK ]

('a,'b,'c) having_fun defines the type of an SQL function that corresponds to SQL's HAVING clause ON ERR.

val select : 'a Expr.expr_list -> from:table_name -> ('a, [> `SELECT_CORE ]) t

select fields ~from corresponds to the SQL SELECT {fields} FROM {from}.

val update : table:table_name -> set:Expr.wrapped_assign list -> (unit, [> `UPDATE ]) t

update ~table ~set corresponds to the SQL UPDATE {set} FROM {table}.

val insert : table:table_name -> values:Expr.wrapped_assign list -> (unit, [> `INSERT ]) t

insert ~table ~values corresponds to the SQL INSERT {values} INTO {table}.

val delete : from:table_name -> (unit, [> `DELETE ]) t

delete ~from corresponds to the SQL DELETE FROM {from}.

val where : ([< `DELETE | `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE | `UPDATE ], 'c) where_fun

where by expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} WHERE {by}.

val group_by : ([< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ], 'b, 'c) group_by_fun

group_by fields expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} GROUP BY {fields}.

val having : ([< `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ], 'c) having_fun

having fields expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} HAVING {fields}.

val join : ([ `SELECT_CORE ], 'b, [< `SELECT_CORE | `SELECT ], 'c) join_fun

join ?op ~on oexpr expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} {op} JOIN {oexpr} ON {expr}.

The ordering of the last two arguments has been chosen to allow easily piping this with another SQL query.

val on_err : [ `ABORT | `FAIL | `IGNORE | `REPLACE | `ROLLBACK ] -> (unit, 'a) t -> (unit, 'a) t

on_err err expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} ON ERR {err}.

val limit : int Expr.t -> ('a, [ `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ]) t -> ('a, [> `SELECT ]) t

limit count expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} LIMIT {count}.

val offset : int Expr.t -> ('a, [ `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ]) t -> ('a, [> `SELECT ]) t

offset count expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} OFFSET {fields}.

val order_by : ?direction:[ `ASC | `DESC ] -> 'a Expr.t -> ('b, [ `SELECT | `SELECT_CORE ]) t -> ('b, [> `SELECT ]) t

order_by ?direction fields expr corresponds to the SQL {expr} ORDER BY {direction} {fields}.


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