package patoline

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

Abstract representation of a permanent map (stored in a file).

val new_map : string -> unit

new_map file creates a new map file named file. If file already exists, then exception Invalid_argument is raised.

val open_map : string -> t

open_map file opens a map file previously created using new_map. If file does not exist, the exception Invalid_argument is raised.

val close_map : t -> unit

close_map m closes a map previously opened with open_map. This operation does not seem to be necessary, but it is probably a good idea to use it anyway.

val add : t -> int -> 'a -> unit

add m k v adds the value v with the key k to the map m. It is the user's responsibility not to add a value with an already existing key. Doing so will lead to an unspecified behaviour. If you are not sure whether a key is mapped or not, use the function set.

val add_many : t -> (int * 'a) list -> unit

add_many m l is equivalent to List.iter (fun (k, v) -> add m k v) l but it is a lot faster. On should prefer this function over add when adding more than a few entries. One should consider using the compact function after adding many entries as it might significantly reduce the size of the map file.

val del : t -> int -> unit

del m k deletes the entry with the key k from the map m when it exists.

val set : t -> int -> 'a -> unit

set m k v replaces the entry with the key k from the map m with the value v. This function behaves as add if no value with the key k is in the map.

val get : t -> int -> 'a

get m k retreave the value associated to the key k in the map m. If no value is mapped to k, the exception Not_found is raised.

val compact : t -> unit

compact m reduces the size of the given map if possible.