package patoline

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val pt_of_mm : float -> float
val mm_of_pt : float -> float
val extensions : string list
type font = {
  1. file : string;
  2. offset : int;
  3. size : int;
  4. offSize : int;
  5. nameIndex : int array;
  6. dictIndex : int array;
  7. stringIndex : int array;
  8. subrIndex : string array array;
  9. gsubrIndex : string array;
  10. nominalWidth : float;
  11. defaultWidth : float;
  12. fontMatrix : float list;
type glyph = {
  1. glyphFont : font;
  2. glyphNumber : FTypes.glyph_id;
  3. type2 : string;
  4. glyphContents : string;
  5. mutable glyphWidth : float;
  6. mutable glyphX0 : float;
  7. mutable glyphX1 : float;
  8. mutable glyphY0 : float;
  9. mutable glyphY1 : float;
val glyphFont : glyph -> font
exception Index
exception Type2Int of int
type cff_num =
  1. | CFFFloat of float
  2. | CFFInt of int
exception CFFNum of cff_num
val int_of_num : cff_num -> int
val float_of_num : cff_num -> float
val print_num : out_channel -> cff_num -> unit
val uniqueName : font -> string
val readCFFNum : in_channel -> cff_num
val index : in_channel -> int -> int array
val strIndex : in_channel -> int -> string array
exception CFF_Not_found of int * int
val indexGet : in_channel -> int -> int -> string
val readDict : in_channel -> int -> int -> cff_num list Patutil.Extra.IntMap.t
val findDict : in_channel -> int -> int -> int -> cff_num list
val readEncoding : in_channel -> int -> bytes * bytes
val readCharset : in_channel -> int -> int -> int array
val useCharset : in_channel -> int -> int -> int
val loadFont : ?offset:int -> ?size:int option -> Patutil.Extra.StrMap.key -> font
val glyph_of_uchar : 'a -> 'b -> int
val glyph_of_char : 'a -> char -> int
val loadGlyph : font -> ?index:int -> FTypes.glyph_id -> glyph
val cardinal : font -> int
val outlines : glyph -> (float array * float array) list list
val glyphWidth : glyph -> float
val glyphContents : glyph -> string
val compute_bb : glyph -> unit
val glyph_y0 : glyph -> float
val glyph_y1 : glyph -> float
val glyph_x0 : glyph -> float
val glyph_x1 : glyph -> float
val glyphLSB : glyph -> float
val glyphNumber : glyph -> FTypes.glyph_id
val fontName : ?index:int -> font ->
val glyphName : glyph -> string
val fontBBox : ?index:int -> font -> int * int * int * int
val italicAngle : ?index:int -> font -> float
type feature_set = unit
val font_features : 'a -> 'b list
val select_features : 'a -> 'b -> unit
val apply_features : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c
val positioning : 'a -> 'b -> 'b
val writeIndex : Buffer.t -> string array -> unit
val writeCFFInt : Buffer.t -> int -> unit
exception Encoding_problem
val writeCFFFloat : Buffer.t -> float -> unit
val writeDict : Buffer.t -> cff_num list Patutil.Extra.IntMap.t -> unit
val readIndex : in_channel -> int -> bytes array
val skipIndex : in_channel -> unit
val copyIndex : in_channel -> bytes
type fontInfo = {
  1. mutable name :;
val fontInfo : font -> fontInfo
val setName : fontInfo -> -> unit
val part : int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
val add_kerning : 'a -> 'b -> unit