package passage

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a outcome =
  1. | Succeeded of 'a
  2. | Failed of exn
  3. | Skipped
val base_dir : string lazy_t
val ext : string
val groups_ext : string
val keys_ext : string
val to_path : Secret_name.t -> Path.t
val agefile_of_name : Secret_name.t -> Path.t
val name_of_file : Path.t -> Secret_name.t
val secret_exists : Secret_name.t -> bool
val secret_exists_at : Path.t -> bool
val build_secret_name : Stdlib.String.t -> Secret_name.t
val get_secrets_tree : Path.t -> Secret_name.t list
val get_secrets_in_folder : Path.t -> Secret_name.t list
val all_paths : unit -> Path.t list
val has_secret_no_keys : Path.t -> bool
val no_keys_file : Path.t -> bool
val all_groups_names : unit -> Stdlib.String.t list
val recipient_of_name : string -> Age.recipient
val recipients_of_group_name : map_fn:(Stdlib.String.t -> 'a) -> string -> 'a list
val get_secrets_for_recipient : Stdlib.String.t -> Secret_name.t list
val get_recipients_file_path : Path.t -> Path.t

Returns the path to the .keys file for a secret

val get_recipients_names : Path.t -> Stdlib.String.t list
val get_recipients_from_path_exn : Path.t -> Age.recipient list
val get_expanded_recipient_names : Secret_name.t -> Stdlib.String.t list
val is_recipient_of_secret : Age.Key.t -> Secret_name.t -> bool
val encrypt_using_tmpfile : secret_name:Secret_name.t -> encrypt_to_stdout:(stdout:[> `FD_move of Unix.file_descr ] -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
val encrypt_exn : plaintext:string -> secret_name:Secret_name.t -> Age.recipient list -> unit Lwt.t
val decrypt_exn : ?silence_stderr:bool -> Secret_name.t -> string Lwt.t
val refresh' : ?force:bool -> Secret_name.t -> Age.Key.t -> unit outcome Lwt.t
val refresh : verbose:bool -> ?force:bool -> Secret_name.t list -> unit Lwt.t
val rm : is_directory:bool -> Path.t -> unit outcome Lwt.t
val recipients_of_own_id : unit -> Age.recipient list Lwt.t

Returns a list with the keys that are recipients for the default identity file


Innovation. Community. Security.