package passage

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type validation_error =
  1. | SingleLineLegacy
  2. | MultilineEmptySecret
  3. | EmptySecret
  4. | InvalidFormat
val validate : string -> (kind, string * validation_error) Stdlib.result
val parse_exn : string -> t

Multiline secret with comments format: <empty line> possibly several lines of comments without empty lines <empty line> secret until end of file

Multiline secret without comments format: <empty line> <empty line> secret until end of file

Single line secret with commments format: secret one line <empty line> comments until end of file

Single line secret without commments format: secret one line

Single line secret with commments legacy format DEPRECATED: secret one line comments until the end of file

val validity_to_string : string -> string -> string

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