Module type
Class type
module Time : Mirage_time.S
module Stack : Tcpip.Tcp.S
type stack = Stack.t
The type of the TCP/IP stack.
type ipaddr = Stack.ipaddr
The type of the IP address.
From the given stack, Paf_mirage
constructs protocols needed for HTTP:
We expose these protocols in the sense of mimic
. They are registered globally with mimic
and are usable via mimic
(see Mimic.resolve
) as long as the given ctx
contains tcp_edn
and/or tls_edn
Such way to instance something which represents these protocols and usable as a Mirage_flow.S
are useful for the client-side, see run
module TCP : sig ... end
module TLS : sig ... end
val tcp_protocol : (stack * ipaddr * int, TCP.flow) Mimic.protocol
val tcp_edn : (stack * ipaddr * int) Mimic.value
val tls_edn :
([ `host ] Domain_name.t option * Tls.Config.client * stack * ipaddr * int)
val tls_protocol :
([ `host ] Domain_name.t option * Tls.Config.client * stack * ipaddr * int,
The type of the socket bound on a specific port (via init
type dst = ipaddr * int
init ~port stack
bounds the given stack
to a specific port and return the main socket t
accept t
waits an incoming connection and return a socket connected to a peer.
The user is able to launch a simple HTTP/1.1 server with TLS or not. Below, you can see a simple example:
let run ~error_handler ~request_handler =
Paf_mirage.init ~port:8080 stack >>= fun t ->
Paf_mirage.http_service ~error_handler request_handler
>>= fun service ->
let (`Initialized th) = Paf_mirage.serve service t in
val http_service :
?config:Httpaf.Config.t ->
error_handler:(dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.error_handler) ->
(TCP.flow -> dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.request_handler) ->
t Paf.service
http_service ~error_handler request_handler
makes an HTTP/AF service where any HTTP/1.1 requests are handled by request_handler
. The returned service is not yet launched (see serve
val https_service :
tls:Tls.Config.server ->
?config:Httpaf.Config.t ->
error_handler:(dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.error_handler) ->
(TLS.flow -> dst -> Httpaf.Server_connection.request_handler) ->
t Paf.service
https_service ~tls ~error_handler request_handler
makes an HTTP/AF service over TLS (from the given TLS configuration). Then, HTTP/1.1 requests are handled by request_handler
. The returned service is not yet launched (see serve
It's possible to make am ALPN server. It's an HTTP server which can handle
The choice is made by the ALPN challende on the TLS layer where the client can send which protocol he/she wants to use. Therefore, the server must handle these two cases.
val alpn_service :
tls:Tls.Config.server ->
?config:(Httpaf.Config.t * H2.Config.t) ->
(dst ->
?request:Alpn.request ->
Alpn.server_error ->
(Alpn.headers -> Alpn.body) ->
unit) ->
(dst -> Alpn.reqd -> unit) ->
t Paf.service
alpn_service ~tls ~error_handler request_handler
makes an H2/HTTP/AF service over TLS (from the given TLS configuration). An HTTP request (version 1.1 or 2) is handled then by request_handler
. The returned service is not yet launched (see server
val serve :
?stop:Lwt_switch.t ->
't Paf.service ->
't ->
[ `Initialized of unit Lwt.t ]
serve ?stop service
returns an initialized promise of the given service service
. stop
can be used to stop the service.