package paf
Module type
Class type
ALPN support.
depend on http/af
& h2
and choose them because they share the same Paf.RUNTIME
interface. Alpn
does not require ocaml-tls
so it's possible to use OpenSSL. It requires, at least:
- Something to extract ALPN result from the TLS flow
- Something to represent as the string the peer (useful for over-framework)
- An injection function (available from
In other words, Alpn
did the only choice to trust on http/af
& h2
to handle HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and H2 protocols.
type body =
| Body_HTTP_1_1 : 'c capability * 'c Httpaf.Body.t -> body
| Body_HTTP_2_0 : 'c capability * 'c h2_body -> body
and 'c h2_body =
| Wr : H2.Body.Writer.t -> [ `write ] h2_body
| Rd : H2.Body.Reader.t -> [ `read ] h2_body
type ('flow, 'edn) info = {
alpn : 'flow -> string option;
peer : 'flow -> 'edn;
injection : 'flow -> Mimic.flow;
The type of information from a 'flow
is a fonction which is able to extract the result of the negotiation between the client & the server about which protocol we need to startpeer
returns astring
representation of the given'flow
to help to print out some logs about this client.injection
is the function which wraps the given'flow
to aMimic.flow
For the last function, it can be done if you already registered the protocol with mimic
. In that case, the second value given by Mimic.register
helps you to inject your flow as a Mimic.flow
let _, protocol = Mimic.register ~name:"my-protocol" (module My_protocol)
let injection (flow : My_protocol.flow) : Mimic.flow =
let module R = (val Mimic.repr protocol) in
R.T flow
val service :
('flow, 'edn) info ->
('edn -> ?request:request -> server_error -> (headers -> body) -> unit) ->
request_handler:('edn -> reqd -> unit) ->
('socket -> ('flow, [> `Closed | `Msg of string ] as 'error) result Lwt.t) ->
('t -> ('socket, [> `Closed | `Msg of string ] as 'error) result Lwt.t) ->
('t -> unit Lwt.t) ->
't Paf.service
service info ~error_handler ~request_handler connect accept close
creates a new Paf.service
over the socket 't
. From the given implementation of accept
and close
, we are able to instantiate the main loop. Then, from the given info
, we extract informations such the application layer protocol and choose which protocol we will use. Currently, if info.alpn
Some "http/1.0" | Some "http/1.1" | None
, we launch anhttp/af
serviceSome "h2"
, we launch anh2
The user is able to identify which protocol we launched by resp_handler
. The returned service can be run with Paf.serve
. Here is an example with Lwt_unix.file_descr
and the TCP/IP transmission protocol (without ALPN negotiation):
let _, protocol
: Unix.sockaddr Mimic.value
* (Unix.sockaddr, Lwt_unix.file_descr) Mimic.protocol
= Mimic.register ~name:"lwt-tcp" (module TCP)
let accept t =
Lwt.catch begin fun () ->
Lwt_unix.accept >>= fun (socket, _) ->
Lwt.return_ok socket
end @@ function
| Unix.Unix_error (err, f, v) ->
Lwt.return_error (`Unix (err, f, v))
| exn -> raise exn
let info =
let module R = (val Mimic.register protocol) in
{ Alpn.alpn= const None
; Alpn.peer= (fun socket ->
sockaddr_to_string (Lwt_unix.getpeername socket))
; Alpn.injection=
(fun socket -> R.T socket) }
let service = Alpn.service info
accept Lwt_unix.close
let fiber =
let t = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Lwt_unix.bind t (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, 8080))
>>= fun () ->
let `Initialized th = Paf.serve
~sleep:(Lwt_unix.sleep <.> Int64.to_float)
service t in th
let () = fiber
type client_error = [
| `Exn of exn
| `Malformed_response of string
| `Invalid_response_body_length_v1 of Httpaf.Response.t
| `Invalid_response_body_length_v2 of H2.Response.t
| `Protocol_error of H2.Error_code.t * string
val run :
sleep:Paf.sleep ->
?alpn:string ->
error_handler:('edn -> client_error -> unit) ->
response_handler:('edn -> response -> body -> unit) ->
'edn ->
[ `V1 of Httpaf.Request.t | `V2 of H2.Request.t ] ->
Mimic.flow ->
(body, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t
run ~sleep ?alpn ~error_handler ~response_handler edn req flow
tries communitate to edn
via flow
with a certain protocol according to the given alpn
value and the given request. It returns the body of the request to allow the user to write on it (and communicate then with the server).
does only the ALPN dispatch. It does not instantiate the connection and it does not try to upgrade the protocol. It just choose the right HTTP protocol according to:
- the given
value - the given
(if you want to communicate via HTTP/1.1 or H2)
Here is an example with mimic
let run uri request =
let ctx = ctx_of_uri uri in
(* See Mimic for more details. *)
Mimic.resolve ctx >>= function
| Error _ as err -> Lwt.return err
| Ok flow ->
~sleep:(Lwt_unix.sleep <.> Int64.to_float)
?alpn:None ~error_handler ~response_handler uri request flow