package p5scm
Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
module Buff : sig ... end
type sexpr =
| Sacc of MLast.loc * sexpr * sexpr
| Santi of MLast.loc * string * string
| Sarr of MLast.loc * sexpr list MLast.v
| Schar of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Sexpr of MLast.loc * sexpr list
| Sint of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Sint_l of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Sint_L of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Sint_n of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Sfloat of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Slid of MLast.loc * string
| Slidv of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Slist of MLast.loc * sexpr list
| Squot of MLast.loc * string * string
| Srec of MLast.loc * sexpr list
| Sstring of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
| Suid of MLast.loc * string
| Suidv of MLast.loc * string MLast.v
val loc_of_sexpr : sexpr -> MLast.loc
val error : sexpr -> string -> 'a
val string_se : sexpr -> string
val longident_se : sexpr -> string list
val anti_longident_se : sexpr -> string list Ploc.vala
val class_longident_se : sexpr -> MLast.longid option * string
val anti_lid : sexpr -> string MLast.v option
val anti_lid_or_error : sexpr -> string MLast.v
val anti_uid_or_error : sexpr -> string MLast.v
val anti_uidopt_or_error : sexpr -> string MLast.v option Ploc.vala
val module_expr_se : sexpr -> MLast.module_expr
val longid_se : sexpr -> MLast.longid
val longid_lident_se : sexpr -> MLast.longid_lident
val module_type_se : sexpr -> MLast.module_type
val with_constr_se : sexpr -> MLast.with_constr
val sig_item_se : sexpr -> MLast.sig_item
val str_item_se : sexpr -> MLast.str_item
val str_module_se :
sexpr ->
string MLast.v option Ploc.vala * MLast.module_expr * MLast.attributes
val sig_module_se :
sexpr ->
string MLast.v option Ploc.vala * MLast.module_type * MLast.attributes
val expr_se : sexpr -> MLast.expr
val begin_se : MLast.loc -> sexpr list -> MLast.expr
val let_binding_se : sexpr -> MLast.patt * MLast.expr * MLast.attributes
val fun_binding_se :
sexpr ->
MLast.expr ->
MLast.patt * MLast.expr * MLast.attributes
val match_case : MLast.loc -> sexpr -> MLast.case_branch
val label_expr_se : MLast.loc -> sexpr -> MLast.patt * MLast.expr
val label_patt_se : MLast.loc -> sexpr -> MLast.patt * MLast.patt
val label_ipatt_se : MLast.loc -> sexpr -> MLast.patt * MLast.patt
val parser_case_se :
sexpr ->
(Exparser.spat_comp * Exparser.spat_comp_opt) list
* MLast.patt option
* MLast.expr
val stream_patt_se :
sexpr list ->
(Exparser.spat_comp * Exparser.spat_comp_opt) list
val stream_patt_kont_se :
sexpr list ->
(Exparser.spat_comp * Exparser.spat_comp_opt) list
val stream_patt_comp_se : sexpr -> Exparser.spat_comp
val patt_se : sexpr -> MLast.patt
val ipatt_se : sexpr -> MLast.patt
val type_declaration_se : sexpr -> MLast.type_decl
val type_declaration_list_se : sexpr list -> MLast.type_decl list
val type_param_se : sexpr -> MLast.type_var
val ctyp_se : sexpr -> MLast.ctyp
val object_field_list_se :
sexpr list ->
(string option * MLast.ctyp * MLast.attributes) list Ploc.vala
val constructor_declaration_se : sexpr -> MLast.generic_constructor
val variant_declaration_se : sexpr -> MLast.poly_variant
val label_declaration_se :
sexpr ->
MLast.loc * string * bool * MLast.ctyp * MLast.attributes
val class_sig_item_se : sexpr -> MLast.class_sig_item
val class_str_item_se : sexpr -> MLast.class_str_item
val class_type_se : sexpr -> MLast.class_type
val class_expr_se : sexpr -> MLast.class_expr
val directive_se : sexpr -> string * MLast.expr option
val sexpr : sexpr Grammar.Entry.e
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"