package p5scm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type spat_comp =
  1. | SpTrm of MLast.loc * MLast.patt * MLast.expr option MLast.v
  2. | SpNtr of MLast.loc * MLast.patt * MLast.expr
  3. | SpLet of MLast.loc * MLast.patt * MLast.expr
  4. | SpLhd of MLast.loc * MLast.patt list list
  5. | SpStr of MLast.loc * MLast.patt
type sexp_comp =
  1. | SeTrm of MLast.loc * MLast.expr
  2. | SeNtr of MLast.loc * MLast.expr
type spat_comp_opt =
  1. | SpoNoth
  2. | SpoBang
  3. | SpoQues of MLast.expr
type spat_parser_ast = MLast.patt option * ((spat_comp * spat_comp_opt) list * MLast.patt option * MLast.expr) list
val optim : bool Stdlib.ref
val strm_n : string
val cparser : MLast.loc -> spat_parser_ast -> MLast.expr
val cparser_match : MLast.loc -> MLast.expr -> spat_parser_ast -> MLast.expr
val cstream : MLast.loc -> sexp_comp list -> MLast.expr

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